
  • 网络Chinese Calendar;lunar calendar;the chinese lunar calendar
  1. 作为中国农历最盛大的节日,春季的到来会让全国在每年2月份左右放假一周。

    The biggest holiday on the Chinese calendar , the New Year facilitates a full-country shutdown for a week every February .

  2. 按照中国农历生肖,兔年排在第四。这只毛茸茸的四脚动物象征着持久、美丽、和平和希望。

    The four-footed furry creature , symbolising endurance , beauty , peace and hope , sits in fourth position on the Chinese calendar .

  3. 传统的中国农历将一年分为24节气。

    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms .

  4. 为庆祝中国农历新年,新加坡南洋商学院(NanyangBusinessSchool)邀请5位经验丰富的商界人士出席其CEO早餐系列活动,讲述他们在华做生意的经历并讨论由此带来的挑战。

    To mark the Chinese New Year , Nanyang Business School invited a panel of five experienced business men and women to its CEO Breakfast Series to speak about their experience of doing business in China and discuss the challenges this brings .

  5. 由于今年在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛(WEF)恰逢中国农历新年,中国打破了30年的传统,首次不派高层官员出席。

    China will break with a 30-year tradition by not sending high-level officials to the World Economic Forum at Davos , which falls this year in the middle of Chinese New Year festivities .

  6. 伦敦高级消费百货商店FortnumMason将于今年2月首次举行一场旨在庆祝中国农历新年的私密活动,届时还会进行促销活动&春节是中国游客来英国旅游的高峰期。

    In February , Fortnum Mason , the luxury London grocer , will for the first time host a private event and a promotion to celebrate the lunar new year – peak time for Chinese visitors .

  7. 伦敦高级消费百货商店Fortnum&Mason将于今年2月首次举行一场旨在庆祝中国农历新年的私密活动,届时还会进行促销活动——春节是中国游客来英国旅游的高峰期。

    In February , Fortnum & Mason , the luxury London grocer , will for the first time host a private event and a promotion to celebrate the lunar new year - peak time for Chinese visitors .

  8. 它是为了庆祝中国农历的新年。

    It 's to celebrate the lunar calendar 's new year .

  9. 祝澳洲国庆及中国农历新年快乐!

    Happy Australia Day and Happy Chinese New Year to all !

  10. 中国农历新年假期因素,使统计数据受到了扭曲。

    Statistics are skewed by the Chinese Lunar New Year holidays .

  11. 在中国农历年的第一天打扫卫生。

    Do cleaning on the first day of the Chinese New Year .

  12. 节气是中国农历特有的。

    The seasonal division points are peculiar to China 's lunar calendar .

  13. 这是为庆祝中国农历新年举行的活动。

    The holiday is celebrated that the turn of the Chinese lunar calendar .

  14. 联合国秘书长发表中国农历新年致辞。

    The United Nations Secretary-General has sent his Chinese Lunar New Year greetings .

  15. 在中国农历新年红包是每一个孩子的梦想。

    Red packets are every child 's dream during the Chinese New Year .

  16. 中国农历以十二年为周期,每年以一种动物作为象征。

    The Chinese lunar calendar assigns an animal symbol to each year in every 12-year cycle .

  17. 《孔子》将于明年中国农历新年期间在中国和东南亚地区上映。

    " Confucius " is set to release during Spring Festival in China and Southeast Asian countries .

  18. 2015年头几个月已经预示了中国农历新年后的一些积极增长势头。

    The first couple of months of 2015 have signified some positive momentum gains after Chinese new year .

  19. 旧金山的中国农历新年大巡游早在1860年代的淘金时代就开始了。

    The San Francisco Chinese New Year celebration originated in the1860 " s during the Gold Rush period .

  20. 2010年2月14日,中国农历新年,艺术项目《我台》在“箭厂空间”开始实施。

    To celebrate the Chinese New Year , Arrow Factory announces the arrival of Channel Me on Feb14,2010 .

  21. 每年头两个月的数字由于中国农历新年假期因素的影响,通常会有异常。

    Numbers in the first two months of the year are usually distorted by the Lunar New Year holiday .

  22. 而分析师原本预计,由于中国农历新年假期的影响,1月份数据将出现大幅下降。

    Analysts , however , had expected a significant drop in January due to the lunar new year holiday .

  23. 红�在中国农历新年发红包是另一个著名的传统。

    Giving hongbao ( red packets or red envelopes ) during the Chinese New Year is another famous tradition .

  24. 对西方人来说,要把握中国农历新年(春节)的全部内涵难度不小,春节是中国最隆重的节日。

    It is difficult for the western mind to grasp the full significance of the Chinese Lunar New year .

  25. 他将于本月底中国农历新年后不久返回英国。

    He is expected to return soon after the Chinese New Year celebrations finish at the end of this month .

  26. 中国农历新年,也就是熟知的春节,将会于今年2月8日正式开始。

    The Chinese Lunar New Year , also known as the Spring Festival , falls on Feb 8 this year .

  27. 中国农历每年最后一天、也就是新年前夜被称为“除夕”。

    New Year 's Eve , or the last night of the year in Chinese lunar calendar , is called Chuxi .

  28. 2011年01月01日为迎接中国农历辛卯兔年,加拿大邮政总局定于2011年1月7号发行兔年生肖邮票。

    2011-01-01 Canada Post will issue two stamps on Jan.7,2011 , in celebration of the upcoming Chinese Lunar Year of the Rabbit .

  29. 当地居民在中国农历新年举办许多活动,吸引大批海内外观光游客。

    Many activities held by local residents during the Lunar New Year have attracted a large number of tourists from home and abroad .

  30. 欢迎中国农历新年即将来临,在墨尔本时间,我想我们将是一个繁荣的一年!欢呼!

    Welcome the Chinese New Year was coming in Melbourne time , I wish that we will be a prosperous year ! Cheer !