
  • 网络The Chinese Room;Chinese Room Argument
  1. 最著名的就是语言哲学家塞尔的中文房间思想实验。

    Most famous opposition is the Chinese room thought experiment which is proposed by language philosopher Searle .

  2. 而中文房间实验则说明了不管你的程序有多好,它实际上并不能理解中文,程序只能模拟知识的内容。

    The Chinese Room suggests that however well you programmed a computer , it doesnt understand Chinese .

  3. 塞尔的中文房间模型,认为它是对包括图灵标准在内的已有人工智能标准的挑战。

    Searle , the famous philosopher , as a challenge for criterion of AI including Turing ' s.