
  • 网络body awareness;Body Consciousness;body conscious
  1. 少女文学的身体意识是自我意识发展的前奏。

    Girls Body Awareness literature is a prelude to the development of self-consciousness .

  2. 每个练习项目的目的不同,比如气息控制和身体意识;提示语音也会相应引导你以不同方式回想自己的习惯或过去经历。

    Depending on the goal of the program , like breathing control or body awareness , each track asks you to think about your habits or past in different ways .

  3. 论西方哲学中身体意识的觉醒及其推进

    The Awaking and Advancing of the Body Consciousness in Western Philosophy

  4. 大学生网络关系成瘾倾向与身体意识客观化的关系

    The Relationship between Cyber-relationship Addiction of college students and Objectified body consciousness

  5. 论晚明小品文的身体意识

    On Body Consciousness of Essays in Late Ming Dynasty

  6. 古希腊体育与身体意识的觉醒

    Ancient Greek sport and awaking of body consciousness

  7. 谢灵运诗中的身体意识

    The Body Ideology of Xie Ling-yun 's Poems

  8. 认为丘脑在身体意识基础中扮演关键角色。

    The thalamus is thought to have a key role in the physical basis of consciousness .

  9. 身体意识,即人们以何种目的、角度、方法来看待、理解、描述身体。

    Body-consciousness consists of the purpose to look on and describe body and the way of understanding body .

  10. 身体意识的萌发昭示着少女身上出现了新的生命成长的迹象。

    Body Consciousness and the girl who beckons to the emergence of new signs of life and growth .

  11. 李清照词中女性意识的一个主要表现是强烈的身体意识。

    The women 's consciousness of Li Qing-zhao is one of the aspects of her strong body consciousness .

  12. 该基因叫做PRDM12,疼痛是身体意识危险的信号。

    The gene 's name is PRDM12 . Pain is the body 's way of signaling that something is wrong .

  13. 它教你如何用呼吸、身体意识来把注意力放在此时此地。

    It trains you to use your breathing and an awareness of your body to focus on the here and now .

  14. 在当代,理解体育与身体意识觉醒的关系,将给我们有益的启示。

    In modern times , it will bring us helpful enlightenment to understand the relation between sport and awaking of body consciousness .

  15. 随着你度过一天过程中,去练习身体意识并注意身体如何对人、处境进行反应。

    As you move through the day , practice being physically aware and notice how your body reacts to people and situations .

  16. 他们显然从残存烙印、“老地球”文明的“身体意识”中远远撤离了。

    There had obviously been a heavy withdrawal from survival imprints and the " body consciousness " of the civilization of the " old Earth " .

  17. 大海唤醒她的身体意识、引导她对自我进行剖析,最终伴随着她爱情理想的幻灭,成全了她的自由。

    The sea awakens her physical sense , leads her to self-analysis and finally helps her to obtain the freedom , accompanied with the disillusion of her dream of love .

  18. 身体意识的苏醒推动女主人公颠覆了男性的注视特权而成为注视的主体,使其试图摆脱父权话语对女性的禁忌建立在社会空间拥有主体性的身份建构模式。

    The Awakening written by Kate Chopin , however , reverses males authority on watching , taking the heroine as the master of her own body as well as the subject of watching .

  19. 论文在建立一种自觉的身体意识的前提下,通过进入具体的问题语境,来研究十七年小说中的各种身体现象和文本。

    The thesis explores various body phenomena and texts in the " 17 years " novels , based on building up the premise of self-conscious " body awareness " and passing into concrete contexts of problems .

  20. 在床上工作、打电话等都是不可取的。在上床前不要做与工作相关的事情,让你的身体意识到,这就是休息的地方。

    It is not a good idea to use your bed for doing work , making phone calls etc. Help your body recognize that this is a place for rest by getting rid of anything work-related before you go to bed .

  21. 通过对身体意识的渊源与流变的梳理,我们了解到了中国文化中的身体观念以及中国文学中的身体流衍,也进一步把握住了中唐文人的身体意识。

    Through analyzing the origin and development of body consciousness , we can understand the body concept in Chinese culture and body development in Chinese literature and even to further grasp the body consciousness of the scholar in the middle Tang .

  22. 当身体意识到肌肉受伤时,对此的反应是增加流向该区域的血流并增加体温,然后,受损的细胞被清理干净,身体派出专门针对于此的细胞来分解大的肌纤维碎片。

    When the body realizes the muscles are hurt , the response is to increase blood flow to the area and increase body heat , damaged cells are then cleaned up and the body sends cells specially designed to break down the large muscle fiber fragments .

  23. 我们现在也知道,天狼星B由于承担了天狼星A的2/3身体层面意识及致密的缘故,自我焚化而从没有成功进入到第五维度;

    We also know now that Sirius B combusted and never made it to the fifth dimension having taken taking on2 / 3rds of Sirius A body level consciousness and density ;

  24. 首先,身体必须意识到肌肉受损。

    First , the body must realize the muscles are damaged .

  25. 我们的生命是身体与意识的统一体,或者说身与神的统一体。

    Our existence is a unity of Mind Body or Spirit Body .

  26. 莫里森早期小说中的身体政治意识与黑人女性主体建构

    Body Politics and the Construction of Black Female Subjectivity in Toni Morrison 's Novels

  27. 在真实空间中对自己身体的意识。

    the sense of my own body in the space in the real world .

  28. 我意愿要回每个祖先在世时所曾丢失的所有身体层面意识。

    I intend to retrieve all the body level consciousness lost in each ancestral lifetime .

  29. 结束放松,吸气使你的身体和意识慢慢苏醒。

    To come out of the relaxation , inhale bringing your body and mind slowly back .

  30. 背后的致因就是,持续丢失他们自己的身体层面意识。

    The underlying cause of this was an ongoing loss of their own body level consciousness .