
  • 网络Identity Thief;ID Thieves
  1. 辨认你母亲的娘家姓或儿时住在哪条街,或许能难住远在他方的身份窃贼,但难不住你的配偶。

    Identifying your mother 's maiden name or the street you grew up on might foil distant identity thieves , but not a spouse .

  2. 身份:尼日利亚“王子”,信用卡盗用者,身份窃贼,垃圾邮件制造�

    Who : Nigerian " princes , " carders , identity thieves , spammers

  3. 身份窃贼资料中心的头头,猜想本中心也许有Rivers想要的答案。

    Jay Foley , head of the Identity Theft Resource Center , suspects the answers that Rivers seeks will be found there .

  4. 这些身份窃贼在被捕过程中有没有受伤?

    Did any of the I.D. thieves get hurt during the arrest ?

  5. 有一群毒贩,还有个身份窃贼团伙,涉嫌三起谋杀。

    We got a bunch of dealers and an identity-theft ring responsible for three murders .

  6. 在一些网站上,这些数字完全可以让我得到一个以约耳名字申请的驾驶执照&并且可以做一个完完全全的身份窃贼。

    Those digits would be enough on some websites to get me a driver 's license in his name & and to start a full-sc a le identity theft .

  7. 这些数据种包含学生的名字,年纪以及个人社会安全码,它们将导致数千人处在身份窃贼的威胁之中,更不用说他们那被侵犯的隐私了。

    The data , including names , grades and Social Security numbers , left thousands of individuals exposed to the threat of identity theft , not to mention the violation of their privacy .

  8. 他们不仅觉得自己的隐私正受到侵犯,而且还担心自己的身份信息会被身份证窃贼所盗用。

    It is not just a sense that privacy is eroding , Vermonters are worried that their identities will be stolen by identity thieves .