
  1. 英国航海史学家孟席斯(GavinMenzies)历时14年收集资料和研究后,于2002年3月提出郑和船队早在哥伦布前72年就航行到美洲;

    Gavin Menzies , British seafaring historian , spent 14 years collecting data and doing research , and put forward the theory in March 2002 that ZHENG Hess fleet had reached the Americas 72 years earlier than Columbus ;

  2. 毕竟,在哥伦布到达新世界前,阿兹特克人驯养火鸡(阿兹特克人称火鸡为huehxolotl)已经超过一千年了。

    After all , pre-Aztec and Aztec peoples domesticated the turkey more than a millennium before Columbus reached the New World ( the Aztecs called the bird huehxolotl ) .

  3. 北欧海盗也许在哥伦布之前就发现了美洲。

    Columbus was probably anticipated by the Vikings in discovering america .

  4. 你爸在哥伦布市与众不同。

    In columbus , there was no one like your dad .

  5. 我曾经与他一起在哥伦布办公室共过事。

    I used to work with him in the Columbus office .

  6. 早在哥伦布起航之前,他们就已经到达这里了。

    They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail .

  7. 早期的探险家可能在哥伦布之前已发现美洲。

    Earlier explorers probably anticipated Columbus 's discovery of America .

  8. 曾在哥伦布手下干过差事的航海探险家皮松。

    The Explorer pinzon , who had served under columbus .

  9. 北欧海盗是在哥伦布之前发现美洲的吗?

    Did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America ?

  10. 1886年,美国劳工联邦在哥伦布俄亥俄州成立。

    In1886 , the American Federation of Labor was founded in Columbus , Ohio .

  11. 从去年开始,在哥伦布和另外两个城市试销这些含薄荷的烟草产品。

    Test-marketing of the mints began last year in Columbus and two other cities .

  12. 把我放在哥伦布圆场。

    Drop me at Columbus circle .

  13. 在哥伦布指明了通向美洲的途径之后,许多西班牙人远道而来。

    After Columbus had shown the way to America , a great many Spaniards came over .

  14. 在哥伦布横渡大西洋的地方,洋面宽达4000多英里(6000公里)。

    It is more than 4,000 miles ( 6,000 km ) wide where Columbus crossed it .

  15. 在哥伦布时代,人们不相信地球是圆的。

    At the time of columbus , people didn 't believe the earth to be round .

  16. 纽约市在哥伦布登陆300周年纪念日第一次举行了庆祝哥伦布日的活动。

    New York City held the first Columbus Day celebration on the 300 anniversary of his landing .

  17. 不管怎样,一个不争的事实就是早在哥伦布之前就有人生活在那里了。

    On top of this there is the simple fact that there were people in the Americas before Columbus arrived .

  18. 西班牙新国王和王后于去年夏天登基,在哥伦布日这天首次出席阅兵式。

    Spain 's new King and Queen crowned last summer , presided over their first military parade for the holiday .

  19. 米勒夫妇都来自俄亥俄州中部地区,他们已经结婚四年,居住在哥伦布市。

    Mr and Mrs Miller , both from central Ohio , have been married for four years and live in Columbus .

  20. 在哥伦布到达美洲之前,很多人就他能否发现新大陆而打赌。

    Before Columbus found America , a lot of people made a bet on whether he would find a new land .

  21. 伦敦城的这次“庆典”,竟选择在哥伦布发现美洲新大陆的纪念日举行,这更是对历史的莫大嘲弄。

    The timing of the " ceremony " in London , which was held on Columbus Day , is a blatant mockery of history .

  22. 从头追溯的话,印第安土著在哥伦布登陆的前几百年就已经占领了这块领土了。

    The Columbus discovered America myth doesn 't seem to be dying off . For starters , Native Americans occupied the territory for centuries before his arrival .

  23. 这只不过是因为人们长久以来以欧洲文化为中心的思想使得我们认为美洲大陆是被“发现”的。这也使得那些天真的人忽略了在哥伦布之前的美洲大陆的历史。

    It 's only a vestige of Eurocentric imperialism that leads us to think of America as having been " discovered " in the traditional sense and it 's left many people who are native to the continent with the feeling that their pre-Columbus history has been ignored and devalued .

  24. 并不仅仅是美国在庆祝哥伦布日,西班牙和大部分拉美国家也在庆祝这一节日。

    Columbus Day isn 't just celebrated here in the United States , it 's also recognized in Spain and throughout much of Latin America .

  25. 本周二,戴蒙在俄亥俄州哥伦布市举行的摩根大通年度股东大会上就说了这么多。

    Yesterday , Dimon said as much at the JP Morgan annual shareholders meeting held in Columbus , Ohio .

  26. 在15世纪哥伦布到达美洲,红薯已是当地的主要作物。

    When Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas in the 15th century , sweet potatoes were already a staple crop .

  27. 这是我第四次这么做了你好艾伦我在俄亥俄州哥伦布市阿尔法姐妹会会馆

    This is my fourth time doing this.Hi , Ellen . I am here at Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority house at Columbus , Ohio

  28. 就在不久之前,哥伦布环岛还曾是几十名流浪者的临时住所,他们占据了纽约会议中心(NewYorkColiseum)的遗址,那里是罗伯特·摩斯(RobertMoses)时代举行会议的地方。

    It was not all that long ago that Columbus Circle was the makeshift residence of dozens of homeless people squatting at the site of the abandoned New York Coliseum , the Robert Moses-era convention center .

  29. 那是罗恩在放他在哥伦布斯比赛录音。

    That 's just Ron playing his Columbus record .

  30. 所有主梁都是在俄亥俄州的哥伦布市创造并由火车和卡车运到桥的现场。

    The girders were all fabricated and shipped from columbus , Ohio to the bridge site by rail and truck .