
  • 网络online storage;On-Line Storage;On Line Storage;online stores
  1. VoD在线存储系统的研究

    Research on Online Storage Subsystem in VoD

  2. 事实上,当AmazonS3云服务用于在线存储时,AccessKeyID就构成了URL的一部分。

    Indeed , when the Amazon S3 cloud service is used for online storage , the Access Key ID forms part of the URL .

  3. 在那些希望在线存储照片和文档的普通用户中,Box获得了病毒式增长。

    Box has enjoyed viral growth among everyday consumers looking to store photos and documents online .

  4. 为了加快开发速度以及提高可重用性,WebSphereCastIron为上百个不同的整合场景,提供了一个模板整合项目(TIP)在线存储库。

    To speed up development and promote reuse , WebSphere Cast Iron provides an online repository of template integration projects ( TIPs ) for hundreds of different integration scenarios .

  5. 文件系统与在线存储空间API之间的请求与响应消息通过XML来存储和共享,设计中很好地实现了XML的解析与创建。

    File system and online storage space API request and response messages between the adoption of XML to store and share design , well positioned to enable XML parsing and creation .

  6. 戴尔还提供10G的在线存储空间,免费使用一年。

    The Dell also comes with a free year of10 gigabytes of online backup .

  7. 基础之作这个词用来形容谷歌这次挺进笔记服务领域推出的产品最合适不过。Keep是谷歌在线存储服务Drive的组成部分,设计简洁,有语音文本转化和分享功能。

    Basic is the best word to describe Google 's foray into note taking , which is part of its Drive online storage service . Keep has a simple design and offers voice to text transcription and sharing .

  8. 方法:通过主服务器冗余存储磁盘阵列(RAID)实现影像数据的在线存储;

    Methods : To realize the on-line storage of medical imaging data by the redundant array of independent disk ( RAID ) of host-server ;

  9. Amazon的S3服务是一个在线存储服务,对于需要扩展存储能力的新起步的那些公司来说尤其具有引吸力。

    Amazon 's S3 service is an online storage service which is particularly attractive to startup companies who need to scale their storage capability .

  10. 首先给出了系统的总体设计,在相关的关键技术介绍中,分别介绍了用户空间文件系统,开放API的在线存储接口和XML技术。

    First , the overall design of the system is given in the relevant key technologies for presentation , introduced the user-space file system , open API , online storage interfaces and XML technologies .

  11. 染指云服务&在向消费者提供最佳在线存储系统的竞赛中,亚马逊(Amazon)已领先其高科技巨头竞争对手。

    A leg up in the cloud Amazon is moving ahead of its tech giant competitors in the race to provide consumers with the best online storage system .

  12. 在定制FUSE文件系统的设计中,把HTTP传输协议与文件操作结合实现了存储在文件系统中的数据到在线存储空间的映射。

    FUSE file system in the custom design , the HTTP transport protocol combined with the file operations are stored in the file system enables data to online storage space mapping .

  13. 另一个选择:使用在线存储网站,比如Dropbox和Carbonite。

    Another options : online storage sites , such as Dropbox and Carbonite .

  14. 基于GPL代码基础,它支持易于的安装和运行在线存储。

    Built on a foundation of oscommerce GPL code it will provide an easy to set-up and run online store .

  15. •Dropbox是一家广受欢迎的从事在线存储服务的初创公司,在短短15个月内,它的增长超过了500%,用户从400万达到2500万。

    • popular file-syncing start-up Dropbox grew more than 500 % in 15 months , from 4 million to 25 million users .

  16. 提出基于SAN结构的影像文件长期在线存储方案,并在此基础上对医学影像存档与传输系统(PACS)的设计进行了论述。

    A new idea of online permanent storage based on SAN structure for image files is presented and a Picture Archiving and Communication System ( PACS ) design project based on SAN structure is discussed .

  17. 在线存储公司Dropbox用一种更久经考验的模式庆祝伦敦分部的开业。

    Dropbox , the online storage company , was celebrating the opening of its London office with a more tried and tested formula .

  18. 它还有个优点可能也是为了弥补它的局限性Pixel在GoogleDrive上有着巨大的1TB在线存储空间,足够供大多数人在3年中收藏照片和音乐。

    As an additional enticement or perhaps to make up for its limitations the Pixel comes with a whopping 1 terabyte of free storage on Google Drive , enough to store most people 's photo and music collections many times over , for 3 years .

  19. 它还有个优点——可能也是为了弥补它的局限性——Pixel在GoogleDrive上有着巨大的1TB在线存储空间,足够供大多数人在3年中收藏照片和音乐。

    As an additional enticement -- or perhaps to make up for its limitations -- the Pixel comes with a whopping 1 terabyte of free storage on Google Drive , enough to store most people 's photo and music collections many times over , for 3 years .

  20. 本文主要关注IaaS云,北京邮电大学YUN系统就是一个典型的IaaS云,它能够为用户提供三种服务:虚拟机服务、虚拟磁盘服务和在线存储服务。

    This paper focuses on IaaS and the BUPT YUN system is a typical IaaS cloud . It can provide powerful service such as virtual machine , virtual disk and online storage for customers .

  21. 基于多媒体流实时播放的特性和磁盘数据流模型的研究,进一步分析了内存和接口总线的特性,提出了视频点播(VoD)系统性能指标与在线存储系统之间的定量关系。

    Based on the real-time constrain of the multimedia stream and the disk data stream model , the relationship between the performances and the online storage subsystem in video on demand was presented quantitatively with the analysis of memory and interface bus .

  22. 使用pmcrs旨在于提供集中的在线存储;追踪和能够访问所有项目生成数据和文件。

    The purpose of the pmcrs is to provide centralized online storage ; tracking and access to all project generated data and documentation .

  23. 跟其他服务不同的是,Simplenote的免费服务含有广告。而不含广告、并提供可与在线存储服务Dropbox同步这类功能的尊享版则每年收费20美元。

    Unlike the others , Simplenote 's free service comes with ads. A premium version without ads and extra features like synching with Dropbox , the online storage service , is $ 20 annually .

  24. 并利用SAN,NAS,DAS几种不同的技术,设计并实施了医院的存储方案,突出在线存储为特点,利用虚拟化存储技术,实现大容量、高性能、高可靠性的医学影像存储。

    The storage scheme is designed with SAN , NAS and DAS technologies , for the key aim of On Line storage , virtualized storage technology is used , finally , the large volumes , high performance and high availability storage of medical image are achieved .

  25. 将采集的数据进行在线存储,以便通过离线分析改进控制器的设计,确保PMB系统工作的可靠性。

    Finally , storing all the data of the five channels on the computer disks , in order to improve the design of the controller by the offline analysis , ensure the working reliability of the PMB system .

  26. 华盛顿——联邦调查局(FBI)负责人本周二承认,在圣贝纳迪诺枪击案发生不久后,FBI下令重置了该案一名枪手在iCloud在线存储服务上的密码,结果贻误了从该枪手的iPhone中提取数据的机会。

    WASHINGTON - The head of the F.B.I. acknowledged on Tuesday that his agency lost a chance to capture data from the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino attackers when it ordered that his password to the online storage service iCloud be reset shortly after the rampage .

  27. Egnyte是一个协同和文档共享应用程序,它像是在线存储解决方案和内容管理解决方案的结合。

    Egnyte is a collaborative document sharing app that is like a mix between an online storage solution ( such as Omnidrive or ElephantDrive ) and a content management solution .

  28. 许多企业对于在线存储数据有自己的规定。

    Many businesses have their own policies about storing data online .

  29. 部门项目管理,在线存储

    Huddle : Helps your workgroup manage projects , and offers online storage

  30. 主动的在线存储是磁带库设备应用的发展趋势之一。

    Active on - line storage is a developing trend of tape applications .