
  1. 一个布局决策问题与计算机决策支持系统研究

    A Decision-Making of Location Layout Project and Computer Decision Support System Research

  2. 广西化工研究院计算机决策支持系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Decision Support System of Guangxi Chemical Industry Research Academy

  3. 土地控制计算机决策支持系统的总体设计与实现

    The overall design and Realization of the computer decision support system for land control

  4. 根据实时灌溉预报原理和渠系动态配水的方法,以山西省霍泉灌区为背景,运用计算机决策支持系统预测作物短期需水和土壤水分状况,进行渠道配水的动态模拟。

    According to the irrigation realtime forecasting principle and the dynamic water distribution method for canal system , and against the background of the Huoquan Irrigation District in Shanxi Province ;

  5. 导弹产品总体方案计算机辅助决策支持系统(DDSS)设计

    Design of decision support system for missile system design

  6. 数据库是计算机智能决策支持系统的核心。

    Database is the core of intelligent decision support system .

  7. 三峡工程大江截流计算机辅助决策支持系统

    The Design Support System in the River Closure of Three Gorge Project

  8. 计算机辅助决策支持系统在合资电厂经营中的应用

    Application of Computer aided Decision making Supporting System in the Management of Joint Venture Power Plant

  9. 论文在决策支持系统实现建模可视化方面作了一定的工作,首次在国内研制了一个基于寿命周期费用理论的可视化的港口设备计算机辅助决策支持系统软件。

    A few things on the visualized modeling are finished . A visual port equipment computer assistant decision support system based on life cycle cost theory is developed for the first time in our country .

  10. 通过计算机辅助决策支持系统的应用,可以充分利用分散、孤立的数据资源,建立他们之间的内在联系,实现科学、合理的决策。

    Through the technology economic evaluation in the assistance decision system application , may fully use disperses , the isolation data resources , establishes between them the inner link , realizes the reasonable decision-making scientifically .

  11. 氧化铝生产计算机专家辅助决策支持系统

    A Computer-based Expert and Decision Suppot System for Aluminium Oxide Production

  12. 计算机辅助采购决策支持系统&MRP的原理及应用

    Computer - Aid Decision - Making Support System for Purchasing

  13. 氧化铝作为铝锭生产的主要原料,其需求量也居高不下。氧化铝生产计算机专家辅助决策支持系统

    As the raw material of aluminium production , aluminium oxide is also lacking . A Computer-based Expert and Decision Suppot System for Aluminium Oxide Production

  14. 计算机模拟在库存决策支持系统中的应用

    Application of computer simulation in inventory decision support system

  15. 运用计算机技术开发养老金决策支持系统

    Developing Pension Decision-Making Supporting System with Computer Technology