
  • 网络cluster file system;cluster filesystem
  1. Google文件系统是一个典型的、可扩展的集群文件系统,适用于大型的、分布式的、对大量数据进行访问的应用。

    The Google File System is a scalable cluster file system for large distributed data-intensive applications .

  2. 基于Linux的集群文件系统CSFS的实现

    Implementation of cluster file system CSFS for linux

  3. Linux支持众多文件系统,从日志型文件系统到集群文件系统和加密文件系统。

    Linux supports many kinds of file systems , ranging from journaling file system to encrypting file system and Cluster File System .

  4. 实验数据证明,HANDY集群文件系统具有良好的动态扩展性和可用性,减小系统的管理和维护开销。

    The experimental results show that HANDY has good dynamic scalability and high availability and reduces the cost of management and maintenance significantly .

  5. 因为集群文件系统会给IDS操作带来不必要的性能开销和管理负担,本文使用SAN作为区块的存储方法。

    Because cluster file systems cause unnecessary performance and administration overhead for operation of IDS , this article uses SAN as the means for storage of chunks .

  6. MFS流媒体集群文件系统实现了单一系统的逻辑映像、数据和元数据的高可用以及系统自动配置。

    MFS has implemented single file images , high availability data and metadata , and automatic system configuration .

  7. 对于存储在文件系统上的区块(cooked设备),解决方案是集群文件系统(例如GFS和OCFS)。

    For chunks stored in a file system ( cooked devices ), the solution is to use cluster file systems ( for example , GFS and OCFS ) .

  8. DFSA(DirectFileSystemAccess)是一种能够提高集群文件系统性能的机制,它允许迁移的进程直接访问当前节点上的文件。

    DFSA is a provision that can improve the performance of cluster file system to allowing a migrated process to access files in its current node .

  9. 从解决高性能计算机I/O瓶颈面临的问题着手,详细分析了并行文件系统(PVFS)的结构、存取机制、管理机制和工作机制,为高性能集群文件系统的建立提供了一种行之有效的解决方法。

    Beginning with the problems of solving the I / O bottleneck of high performance computer , this paper mainly analyzes the architecture , access mechanism , management mechanism and operating mechanism of PVFS , and provides an effective method for building high performance cluster file system .

  10. Cfslight:一个新型的轻量级对象存储集群文件系统

    Cfslight : A Novel Lightweight Object-based Storage Cluster File System

  11. 一种集群文件系统二级缓存协同置换算法

    A Cooperative Replacement Algorithm for the L2 Cache of Cluster File Systems

  12. 多级集群文件系统的全局命名空间的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Global Name Space in Multilevel Cluster File System

  13. 一种集群文件系统元数据管理技术

    A Solution to the Metadata Management of Cluster File Systems

  14. HANDY:一种具有动态扩展性的集群文件系统

    HANDY : a Cluster File System with Dynamic Scalability

  15. 基于集群文件系统的元数据容错研究

    Research and Implement of the Metadata 's Fault Tolerance in Cluster File System

  16. 高性能集群文件系统的研究

    Research of file system based on high performance cluster

  17. 存储网络专门用于集群文件系统的通信和访问。

    The storage network is used exclusively for clustered file system communication and access .

  18. 需要访问集群文件系统的每个节点都需要存储网络上的一个地址。

    Each node requiring access to the clustered file system needs an address on the storage network .

  19. 集群文件系统是缓解高性能计算集群I/O瓶颈问题的核心技术。

    Clustered file system is a key technology to easy the I / O bottleneck problem of HPC clusters .

  20. 本文研究集群文件系统的特征,提出了一种分布式元数据管理技术。

    This paper studies the characteristics on the cluster file systems , and proposes a solution to the management of distributed metadata .

  21. 本系列的下一篇文章介绍存储硬件和集群文件系统设置、配置和实现的细节。

    The next article in the series goes into detail about the setup , configuration , and implementation of the storage hardware and clustered file system .

  22. 涉案源代码是个集群文件系统–或者说是“以协调多个服务器之间工作的方式”改善电脑性能的系统。

    The source code in question was a clustered file system - or one that helps a computer 's performance " by coordinating work among multiple servers . "

  23. 由于集群文件系统的文件数据分散存储在各个结点上,文件的定位需要借助元数据来完成,元数据的管理成为管理数据的一个关键。

    Owing to the file data spreading around the cluster , locating a file needs the help of metadata , so managing metadata becomes a key of managing data .

  24. 目前网络存储技术研究主要集中于:广域网存储技术、集群文件系统、新型磁盘文件系统三个方面。

    The primary fields in study of network storage are centralized in : storage of wide area network , cluster file system , novel high performance disk file system .

  25. 该方法采用磁盘日志和内存日志的结构,通过对事务的管理,能满足集群文件系统中元数据高可用性的要求。

    This method used the structure of disk journal and memory journal , and adopted a mechanism of transaction , so it could meet the request of high availability in file system metadata .

  26. 这通常通过一个基于网络的集群式文件系统来实现。

    This is typically done through a network-based clustered file system .

  27. 集群流媒体文件系统MFS设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Cluster Flow Multimedia File System : MFS

  28. 简单地安装GPFSRPMS和可移植层无法在新安装的节点上挂载并配置GPFS集群中的文件系统。

    Simply installing the GPFS RPMS and portability layer is not enough to mount and configure file systems within the GPFS cluster on the newly installed nodes .

  29. 创建一个pureScale实例有许多个步骤,包括创建TSA节点域、创建GPFS集群、创建文件系统、创建资源等等,我们将在下面一一介绍。

    Creating a pureScale instance involves multiple steps , including TSA peer domain , GPFS cluster creation , file system creation , resource creation , and so on , are done under covers .

  30. 为需要高性能存储需求的集群提供并行文件系统支持或采用第三方解决方案

    New parallel file system support and vendor partnerships for clusters with high-performance storage needs