
  • 网络collective tradition
  1. 同时,本文也指出:第一代领导集体以传统社会主义观为指导的改革,在总体上还没有突破苏联社会主义模式;

    At the same time , this thesis also points out that the reform of the first generation leading collective of the CPC which led by the traditional socialist concept , had not broke out the Soviet model in the whole ;

  2. 独立学院数码钢琴集体课与传统钢琴个别课教学利弊初探

    A Pilot Study on the Advantage and Disadvantage of Piano Instruction in Collective Teaching Class and Conventional Individual Teaching Class in Independent College

  3. 钢琴集体课是传统钢琴教学与现代科技相结合而发展起来的一门新型键盘教学课程。

    The collective piano class is a new keyboard teaching curriculum which is the combination of the traditional piano teaching and the modern science and technology .

  4. 同时,集体主义既是传统生产方式下现代企业组织实现效率的有效手段,更为后工业生产所必需。

    And collectivism is not only the effective way to make modern enterprise organization more efficient in traditional production mode but also necessary in the past industrial society .

  5. 美国学者威兰·瓦格纳在研究日本式企业治理的改革时曾预言,强调集体共识的传统力量可能更强大。

    The United States has · Wagner in Syria scholars study Japanese enterprise management reforms , he predicted emphasize the collective consensus traditional strength may be more powerful .

  6. 但同时也要看到目前大量的物流企业还是以分散的集体性的传统物流企业为主,效益比较低下,竞争力不强。

    But at the same time we should also see a lot of logistics enterprises or traditional logistics enterprises to decentralized collective efficiency is relatively low , less competitive .

  7. 集体企业由传统的企业制度向现代企业制度转变,有利于企业明晰产权,明确责任,加强管理,增强活力。

    The transformation of the collective enterprise from the traditional system to the modern one is advantageous to clear the enterprises ' property and responsibility , and to strengthen management and vigor .

  8. 其目的不仅具有体育竞技的功能,同时也是人们通过仪式性的表演、娱乐活动来表达一种信仰、民俗习惯和期望的集体性的传统体育活动形式。

    It aims not only at athletic functions . At the same time , as the collective form of sports activities , it also aims at the expression of a belief , traditional folk customs and expectations through ritual performances , and recreational activities .

  9. 集体行动的研究传统、类型及其争论

    Research tradition and types and dispute of collective action

  10. 注重整体利益的价值取向培育了中华民族的爱国主义和集体主义的精神传统。

    The values asserting collective interest fostered in China the spiritual tradition of patriotism and collectivism .

  11. 从而揭示集体记忆与民族传统文化对使鹿鄂温克族群体生活及其发展走向的作用。

    So that it reveals the important role of national traditional culture with reindeer-herding-Ewenki and their development trend .

  12. 当前,在高师钢琴教育领域逐渐兴起了钢琴集体课的教学改革。钢琴集体课是传统钢琴教学与现代科学技术相结合而发展起来的一门新型的键盘学习课程。

    Recently , the collective piano class has been springing up in the field of piano playing teaching , which is a kind of keyboard learning course deriving from the combination of the traditional piano teaching and modern technologies .