- 名collective will

This time , we , through the United Nations , found the courage and the collective will to act .
Mr. Mandela would later credit prison for uniting the country 's future leaders , giving them time to talk through differences and forging a collective will to persevere .
A high-rise building is nothing but a slender , vertical , cantilevered beam resisting lateral and vertical loads .
In the modernized west , our decisions about technology are not made by the group , but by individuals .
Type of human solidarity in the village attached to the collective will , And the human split-type village boundaries play the role of interpersonal communication , decentralized nature of the village is to build individual human ideographic .
In the first 17 years after the founding of New China , the age of ' enlarged self'and the collective will submerged individual feelings . No wonder it enabled the losing of ' enlarged self ' completely at last .
How to choose the best alternative scientifically and objectively according to values of the properties given by experts with their own preference information , reflecting the collective will of the group of experts , is a question worthy of further study .
The Shanghai Native Bankers ' Association represented the interests and will of its members , its history also was the same thing as the Shanghai native bankers ' struggling history for changing the tendency of the native banking decline .
There was no collective vision and will to lead ; and the cost falls hardest on small and poor developing countries that hold none of the blame but face the worst consequences .