
jí tǐ yì zhì
  • collective will
  1. 这一次,我们通过联合国获得了采取行动的勇气和集体意志。

    This time , we , through the United Nations , found the courage and the collective will to act .

  2. 曼德拉后来认为,是监狱让南非未来的领导人们联合起来,让他们有时间讨论分歧、打造一个集体意志以坚持下来。

    Mr. Mandela would later credit prison for uniting the country 's future leaders , giving them time to talk through differences and forging a collective will to persevere .

  3. 高层建筑物其实就是一细长的、能抵挡横向和垂直荷载的垂直悬臂梁。一种集体意志在这个故事里是没有约制的,横冲直闯的,是一种无人阻挡的寻欢之旅。

    A high-rise building is nothing but a slender , vertical , cantilevered beam resisting lateral and vertical loads .

  4. 在现代化的西方,我们对于科技的选择不是由集体意志决定,而是由个体决定。

    In the modernized west , our decisions about technology are not made by the group , but by individuals .

  5. 团结型村庄中的人情依附于集体意志,分裂型村庄的人情起着沟通人际界限的作用,分散型村庄的人情是建构性的个人表意。

    Type of human solidarity in the village attached to the collective will , And the human split-type village boundaries play the role of interpersonal communication , decentralized nature of the village is to build individual human ideographic .

  6. 建国后前十七年,时代大我和集体意志淹没了个人情怀,最终导致自我的彻底遗失;

    In the first 17 years after the founding of New China , the age of ' enlarged self'and the collective will submerged individual feelings . No wonder it enabled the losing of ' enlarged self ' completely at last .

  7. 如何根据专家所给出的带有偏好信息的评价信息科学客观地选择最优方案,体现群体专家的集体意志,是一个值得深入研究的问题。

    How to choose the best alternative scientifically and objectively according to values of the properties given by experts with their own preference information , reflecting the collective will of the group of experts , is a question worthy of further study .

  8. 上海钱业公会是会员钱庄集体利益和意志的代表,它的发展历史也反映了近代上海钱庄们为改变中国传统钱业衰落趋势不懈努力的过程。

    The Shanghai Native Bankers ' Association represented the interests and will of its members , its history also was the same thing as the Shanghai native bankers ' struggling history for changing the tendency of the native banking decline .

  9. 富裕国家没有集体的愿景和意志作领导,而要付出最沉重代价的,是贫穷的发展中小国。气候变化并不是他们的责任,但所造成最恶劣的后果却要他们承担。

    There was no collective vision and will to lead ; and the cost falls hardest on small and poor developing countries that hold none of the blame but face the worst consequences .