
hūn lǐ jìn xínɡ qǔ
  • wedding march
  1. 啊,奏婚礼进行曲了,他们过来了。

    Oh , they are playing the wedding march .

  2. 京晶:对,是《婚礼进行曲》。

    Right , it 's the Wedding March .

  3. 我们可以听到乐队开始演奏婚礼进行曲。

    We could hear the band striking up the bridal march .

  4. 我叫史蒂夫给我们作了个小小的混音婚礼进行曲,来调动气氛。

    I had Steven burn a little wedding mix for us for ambience .

  5. 婚礼进行曲响起,圣洁的婚礼正式开始。

    The music and ceremony begin .

  6. 三位小提琴手已架好琴弓,随时预备演奏婚礼进行曲。

    Three violinists , with their bows in the air , stood ready to play the wedding song .

  7. 我们兴奋地等待着姨父母到来。他们终于出现了,并在婚礼进行曲的伴奏下顺着通道走过来。

    We waited excitedly until my aunt and uncle finally appeared and walked down the aisle to the wedding march .

  8. 现年35岁的瑞茜曾主演《律政俏佳人》,她穿着莫尼克•鲁里耶设计制作的婚纱,伴着传统的婚礼进行曲踏上了红地毯。

    The Legally Blonde star , 35 , who wore a custom-designed gown by Monique Lhuillier , walked down the aisle to the traditional Bridal Chorus .

  9. 当她靠近这圣坛,婚礼进行曲柔和的旋律回响在这教堂之中,新娘的眼睛落在了一个奇异的人群上。

    As she neared the altar , while the soft strains of the wedding march floated through the church , her eyes fell on a strange group .

  10. 洁白圣洁的婚宴桌椅,配合闪着柔和灯光的华贵吊灯,一对对新人踏着《婚礼进行曲》的节奏步入大堂接受宾客们的祝福。

    Tables and chairs are dressed in white ; court-style chandeliers are lit , waiting for the bride and groom to walk in accompanied by Wagner 's Wedding March .

  11. 法官或牧师宣布婚礼开始,同时播放《婚礼进行曲》。

    A judge or priest announces the beginning of the wedding and the Wedding March is played .