
  • 网络marriage view;the view of love and marriage
  1. 这本小说也反映了作者自己的婚恋观:那就错了结婚的财产、金钱和地位。

    The novel also reflected the author oneself 's marriage view : It is wrong to marry for the property , money and position .

  2. 但是,她们的婚恋观有着惊人的相似之处。

    But their concepts of love and marriage are surprisingly alike .

  3. 从对婚恋观的价值导向,和对观众的价值导向进行分析。

    Analyze the value orientation of marriage and the audience .

  4. 当代女大学生的婚恋观探析&以黄石地区为例

    On the Marriage Concept of Current Female College Students

  5. 大学生婚恋观变化比较研究

    The Comparative Study of the Change of College Students ' View on Marriage

  6. 从《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》看乔治·艾略特的婚恋观

    George Eliot 's Attitude of Love and Marriage from the Mill on the Floss

  7. 医学生性观念和婚恋观调查分析

    A Survey of Attitudes towards Sex , Love and Marriage among Medical Students Fresh Idea

  8. 总的来说大学生的婚恋观和生活态度还是健康的、理智的。

    Overall , college students ' attitude of love and marriage are healthy and reasonable .

  9. 农村大学生婚恋观最为保守。

    Village students are more conservative .

  10. 通过随机抽样的问卷调查考察云南高校大学生的婚恋观。

    This paper randomly investigates college students ' marriage concept by questionnaire in universities in Yunnan .

  11. 校园文化建设视角下女大学生婚恋观的形成与引导&对干得好不如嫁得好的剖析

    Discuss the View on to Do Well is Inferior to Marry Well how to Form and Direct

  12. 内地青年的婚恋观现状与基本趋向

    China Inland Young People 's Outlook on Love and Marriage : Its Status Quo and Basic Trend

  13. 现实婚姻与理想爱情&《盛夏的果实》的婚恋观及其启示

    Real Marriage and Ideal Love

  14. 当代中国农村女性婚恋观类型、成因与对策

    The Types-Causes of Formation and Countermeasures on the Conception of Love and Marriage of Rural Females in China

  15. 价值取向及婚恋观的不同造成了中西方婚恋交友类节目的差异。

    The difference is caused by different in Western value orientation and the idea of love and marriage .

  16. 婚恋观是人生观的重要组成部分。

    The outlook on love and marriage is an important part of young people 's outlook on life .

  17. 反映在高职院校学生婚恋观教育方面存在的主要问题是婚恋观教育未得到足够重视、婚恋观教育的方式方法不科学等。

    Reflected some problems existing in the education are not getting enough attention and the method is not scientific .

  18. 对父母婚姻关系的知觉与大学生婚恋观的相关研究

    A Study on The Relationship between Marital Relationship of Parents University Student Perceived and Their View of Marriage and Love

  19. 包括对婚恋观中择偶标准、婚恋基础、家庭观念等问题的看法。

    Including the concept of love and marriage in the marriage , spouse , based on family values and other issues .

  20. 第三章介绍乡土观视域下的婚恋观所呈现的变化及影响。

    The third chapter describes the Local Perspective of the Concept of Love and Marriage and impact of the changes presented .

  21. 最后是从婚恋观和婚恋仪式上对《二南》婚恋诗进行研究。

    Finally , from love and marriage and the marriage ceremony of the " Nan " to study the love poems .

  22. 因此,我国爱情电影在未来也该向之学习,发展出有中国特色婚恋观的爱情电影。

    Therefore , our country should also love movies to learn in the future , thedevelopment of Chinese marriage love movie .

  23. 该部分主要对国内外学术界有关婚恋观的研究成果进行了简要概述。

    The part mainly conducts a brief overview of the concept of love and marriage in domestic and international academic community .

  24. 社会学、人口学等侧重研究了婚恋观形成中具有普遍意义的外部因素的影响。

    The sociology and demography have mainly researched the influence of external factors on the formation of view on marriage and love .

  25. 未婚单身女博士生婚恋观调查&基于对5位女性博士研究生的访谈

    The Attitudes of Unmarried Female PHD Candidates towards Romance and Marriage & A Study Based on Interviews With 5 Female PHD Candidates

  26. 在这样一个各种元素交织的复杂背景下,我们关注到一个特殊群体&青年基督教信众,想探究他们的婚恋观及其影响因素。

    In the complex background that a variety of elements interwovened , I paid attention to a special group : Young Christian .

  27. 同时由于人们的婚恋观正在随着时代的变化而变化,离婚率也呈不断上升的趋势。

    Simultaneously , the views on love and marriage changes with the times , divorce rate reveals a growing trend as well .

  28. 大陆和台湾地区青年婚恋观的比较研究

    A comparative study of the attitude taken by both the Chinese mainland youth and the Taiwanese counterpart towards their marriage and love

  29. 婚恋观教育是学生价值观教育的重要组成部分,是当前思想政治教育的重要课题。

    Marriage education is an important part of the student values education and an important topic of the current ideological and political education .

  30. 希望引起更多的人关注大学生婚恋观所存在的问题,为高校思想政治教育工作的完善提供参考。

    To cause more concern conception the university of the question for college education to improve the ideological and political work for reference .