
  1. 改革开放以来,我国婚姻家庭道德观发生了很大改变。具体表现为:道德评价标准的多元化;

    Great Changes on moral conception of marriage and family have taken place in our country since reformation and opening .

  2. 第二部分,从我国婚姻家庭道德观发生的变化和我国婚姻关系中存在的主要问题两方面,对我国婚姻道德现状进行了剖析。

    Secondly , the thesis anatomizes the current situation of Chinese morality of the marriage and family through investigating the change of Chinese morality of marriage and family and analyzes the main problems of Chinese marriage .

  3. 调查表明,研究生的义利观、技道德和职业道德、础文明道德、婚姻家庭道德总体是好的,是积极向上的。

    The investigation of Ideological and moral quality of current graduate students has revealed that their concept of justice and advantage , preliminary civilization moral , science and occupation moral and marriage moral are generally good and uplifting .

  4. 三是婚姻家庭的道德缺失。

    Three is the marriage and family ethics .

  5. 面对这些问题,控制婚姻家庭的道德规范和法律规范都未能很好地发挥作用。

    Being the two ways to control the behaviors of marriage and family , neither the rules of moral nor the rules of law can give full play to their functions of controlling .

  6. 在家庭生活中具体体现为大量消极的非道德因素以畸形的方式挑战婚姻家庭中道德的底线,使部分人迷失了追求人生价值的航向,缺少对家庭基本的关爱与责任。

    In family life , the moral principles of marriage have been challenged by vast negative immortal elements in an abnormal way , which causes some people lose their pursuit of life value and devastate their family mortality .

  7. 微观上,要重视家庭婚姻道德、家庭教育道德的培育,同时也要兼顾家庭道德文化的培育以及家庭道德环境的培育。

    We must emphasize the cultivation of the family marriage moral , the family education moral on the microscopic level . At the same times , we should pay more attention to the cultivation of family moral culture and family moral environment .

  8. 马克思、恩格斯、列宁这三位马克思主义经典作家对社会主义婚姻家庭进行了设想和研究,提出了他们的社会主义婚姻家庭爱情观、道德观、权利义务观和生育观。

    Marx , Engels and Lenin , those three classic Marxist writers , researched the socialist marriages and families and put forward their socialist views of marriage and family , morality , rights and obligations , and birth perspective .