
hūn shì
  • marriage;wedding;wedding,marriage
婚事 [hūn shì]
  • [wedding,marriage] 有关结婚的事。有时专指婚礼

  • 办理婚事

婚事[hūn shì]
  1. 别替他们的婚事操心了——那不关你的事。

    Stop worrying about their marriage ─ it isn 't your problem .

  2. 他勉强同意了女儿的婚事。

    He reluctantly consented to his daughter 's marriage .

  3. 她的父亲不允许这桩婚事。

    Her father forbade the marriage .

  4. 原本打算两件婚事一起办的。

    It was to have been a double wedding .

  5. 从一开始我就觉得她对那桩婚事心里没底。

    I thought from the first that she was a little unsure about that marriage .

  6. 她对于自己的婚事仍然拿不定主意。

    She remained ambivalent about her marriage

  7. 咱俩的婚事赶年下再办吧。

    Let 's put off our wedding till the Spring Festival .

  8. 他因婚事而陷入极大的困境。

    He 's in an awful jam over his marriage .

  9. 父母不同意我的婚事。

    My parents don 't approve of my marriage .

  10. 这桩婚事他们讨论了好几天。

    They talked over the marriage for several days .

  11. 他对婚事已经心肯。

    Mentally he has agreed to this marriage .

  12. 父母不同意她与吉米的婚事。

    Her parents disapproved her marriage to jimmy .

  13. 他们原本订了婚,不过,我听说他们的婚事已吹了。

    They were engaged to be married , but I hear they 're washed up .

  14. 任凭你怎么劝说他都不同意女儿的婚事。

    All attempts at persuasion could not bring him to approve of his daughter 's marriage .

  15. 这位歌星的婚事引起了公众的关注。

    The singer star 's marriage got a lot of publicity .

  16. 再说,在Alex的婚事上花费精力的最好时间就是在她结婚之前。”

    Besides , the best time to work on Alex 's marriage is before she has one . "

  17. Betsy很大程度上不快乐是因为她担心婚事和孩子。

    Betsy was unhappy , in large part , because she was worried about getting married and having children .

  18. Fran的中国婚事更被国家地理频道制作成了纪录片《四个在中国的美国人》。

    Their marriage was documented by the National Geographic in one of their TV series called ' Four Americans in China . "

  19. 海莉·鲍德温近日在Instagram上将她的名字改为“海莉·罗德·比伯,这似乎确认了她和贾斯汀·比伯的婚事。

    Hailey Baldwin has seemingly confirmed that she and Justin Bieber have married by changing her name to " Hailey Rhode Bieber " on Instagram .

  20. 当Estelle和男友开始筹办婚事时,她妈妈提出了要求:男方必须先购买一套住房&这种情况在中国十分普遍。

    When Estelle and her boyfriend started arranging the wedding , her mother demanded – as is common in China – that the groom buy the couple an apartment first .

  21. 我所有的朋友都好像成双作对地在办婚事。

    All my friends seem otbe pairing off and getting married .

  22. 很抱歉,这门婚事对我们来说是不祥的。

    I 'm sorry , this marriage is ominous for us .

  23. 他的父母一定不会同意这门不合适的婚事。

    His parents will never acquiesce in such an unsuitable marriage .

  24. 当年我祖父并不同意父亲的婚事。

    My grandfather did not approve of my father 's marriage .

  25. 他儿子的婚事是他的心病。

    His son 's marriage is a sore subject with him .

  26. 女儿的婚事对妈妈来说很特别。

    The daughter 's marriage is very special to the mom .

  27. 举国上下都出席来庆祝你的婚事。

    The whole kingdom 's turned out to celebrate your marriage .

  28. 他们打算为他们的女儿安排婚事。

    They are going to make up marriage for their daughter .

  29. 父母给你找个般配的对象,安排好婚事。

    Parents find you a suitable match and you get married .

  30. 他的父母决不会答应这门婚事。

    Her parents will never take acquiescence of such a marriage .