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  • 网络wedding conductor;Wedding MC
  1. 上周日,韩国一个机器人做了一把婚礼司仪,它的设计者称这在全世界还是首例。

    A robot on Sunday acted as master of ceremonies at a South Korean wedding in what its creators claimed as a world fi .

  2. 当新娘身穿洁白的婚纱走过长廊,几乎所有人都站了起来,唯独婚礼司仪例外,因为“她”被固定在了她的座椅上。

    Almost everyone stood when the bride walked down the aisle in her white gown , but not the wedding conductor , because she was bolted to her chair 。

  3. 较安东尼之前的作品《爱情物语》(2004)和《婚礼司仪》(2006),《咖啡的千香百味》更加隐晦神秘,虽然结局感人至深。

    " The Various Flavours of Coffee " is a darker book the end is especially moving than Mr Capella 's previous novels ," The Food of Love "( 2004 ) and " The Wedding Officer "( 2006 ) .

  4. 从该组织上传的一视频中我们可以看到,这对快乐的新人站在婚礼司仪前宣誓道,“我们最终深深地结合在一起,这在小说中才有的,我们把它变成现实。”

    A video posted by the organisation shows the happy couple in front of the wedding officiant saying : ' In the end we became united in the deep solidarity to create a piece only known in fiction and bring it into reality in our time 。

  5. 这个名叫泰罗的机器人为它的设计工程师之一锡京载的婚礼担任了司仪,锡工程师的婚礼在位于首尔以南130公里的大田市举行。

    Tiro the robot assisted at the wedding of Seok Gyeong-Jae , one of the engineers who designed it , and his bride at Daejeon , 130 kilometres ( 78 miles ) south of Seoul .

  6. 小王在朋友的婚礼上负责为司仪襄礼。

    Xiao Wang is going to act as the master of his friend 's wedding ceremony .

  7. 奶牛是牧师,为新郎新娘主持婚礼;狐狸是司仪,祭坛在彩虹下面。

    They were all hares , and the crow was there as parson to marry the bride and bridegroom , and the fox served as sexton , and their altar was under the rainbow .

  8. 来澳大利亚统计局的数据显示,在澳大利亚,有超过50%的婚礼都是由非宗教的婚礼司仪来主持的。

    In Australia , more than half of all marriages are performed by civil celebrants ( Australian Bureau of Statistics ) .