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  1. 新娘坐上轿子后,会燃放鞭炮驱赶邪灵。

    Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair .

  2. 范小姐看她上轿子,祝她们俩一路平安,说一定把人家寄给孙小姐的信转到上海,“不过,这地址怎么写法?”

    Miss Fan watched miss sun get into the chair , wished Jou-chia and Hung-chien a pleasant journey , and said she would certainly forward miss sun 's mail to shanghai . " but what address should I use ?"

  3. 他如何偷偷登船,然后做工抵偿船资才到达费城,而后来在法兰西却坐上了王后的轿子;

    how he worked his passage as a stowaway to Philadelphia , and rode in the queen 's own litter in France ;