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jiǒng tài
  • embarrassment;embarrassed look
窘态 [jiǒng tài]
  • [embarrassment] 即窘相,窘状。尴尬难堪的样子

  • 窘态百出

窘态[jiǒng tài]
  1. 政府只是在模棱两可地拖延时间,企图掩盖自己的政治窘态。

    The administration is just stonewalling in an attempt to hide their political embarrassment

  2. 他以微笑解除了她的窘态。

    He smiled away her embarrassment .

  3. 她双颊发红,一副窘态。

    Blushes showed her embarrassment .

  4. “数码宿醉”指在社交网站看到有关自己窘态的照片和文字记录时丢脸又后悔的情绪。

    Digital hangover is the feelings of shame and regret caused by social network photos and other online evidence of one 's embarrassing behavior .

  5. (也可以说Theysoonlaughedthespeakeroffthepodium.)那个女人笑了笑以掩盖自己的窘态。

    The woman laughed off hex embarrassment .

  6. 理查兹一脸被人抓住了把柄的窘态。

    Richards had the embarrassed look of a person who is caught .

  7. 我希望我能除掉我的窘态。

    I wish I could shake off my embarrassment .

  8. 我只是笑着来掩饰我的窘态。

    I camouflaged my embarrassment by just laughing .

  9. 爱慕之心使他忘了他的窘态。

    He forgot his embarrassment in his admiration .

  10. 她试图用热情的款待把自己的窘态遮盖过去。

    She tried to cover up her embarrassment with the enthusiasm of her hospitality .

  11. 他试图用热情的款待把他的窘态掩盖过去。

    He tried to cover up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality .

  12. 这个年老的上流社会人士的窘态感动了皮埃尔;

    The sight of the discomfiture of this elderly man of the world touched Pierre ;

  13. 他不习惯于公开演讲,因此窘态百出。

    He was not used to public speaking and made a complete ass of himself .

  14. 他竭力掩饰自己的窘态。

    He tried to surmount his embarrassment .

  15. 他们窘态毕露,可是她自己却更窘。

    Their situation was awkward enough ; but her 's she thought was still worse .

  16. 中俄两国笑看美国人的窘态无疑标志着这是一个绝对的失策。

    Chinese and Russian glee at American discomfort are a sure sign of such missteps .

  17. 他没法掩盖自己的窘态。

    He could not hide his embarrassment .

  18. 为了遮盖自己窘态,我就张罗着给客人倒茶送水,把切得不成形的涂着黄油的面包递到人们手里。

    I tried to conceal my embarrassment by handing round cups of tea and rather ill-cut bread-and-butter .

  19. 他立刻又开始有那种手足无措的感觉,他在女人面前总有这种窘态,即使那女人对他只是隐约有些微吸引力。

    And immediately he began to feel the old clumsiness he always suffered around women to whom he was even faintly attracted .

  20. 卡在树里的窘态被摄影机捕捉到,这只浣熊当然没心情来个特写镜头了。

    This raccoon was definitely not in the mood for its close-up when it was caught on camera while trapped inside a tree .

  21. 快速发展的互联网在给人们提供大量信息的同时,也不可避免地让用户陷入难以快速获取有价值信息的窘态。

    The rapid development of the Internet not only provides people with large amounts of information , but also makes it difficult for users to obtain valid information quickly .

  22. 皮埃尔的窘态并没有使娜塔莎惶惑不安,她脸上只显露出一丝不容易被人觉察的愉快神情。

    Pierre 's embarrassment was not reflected in a corresponding embarrassment in Natasha , but only in a look of pleasure , that faintly lighted up her whole face .

  23. 不过这一窘态在最近的“三连客”被打破——他在奥兰多攻下13分,并且表演了一记非常精彩的扣篮。

    However , he strung together three good games on the last road trip , punctuated by his 13-point performance in Orlando that included a poster dunk as an exclamation point .

  24. 但是随着全球化的发展,在以奥林匹克运动为代表的西方体育的强烈冲击下,民族传统体育的发展进入一种窘态,处于一种尴尬的境地,生存形势不容乐观。

    But with the development of globalization and Western sports ' strong impact represented by Olympic movement , the development of traditional ethnic sports is in an awkward situation and its survival situation is not optimistic .

  25. 本文首先简单描述了笔者二十年来亲身经历的环境变化和物资丰富下的生活窘态,有感而发,警示人们保护地球;

    Firstly , this paper simply described the phenomena in environment changes by the writers ' life experience in the past 20 years and life dilemma under the condition of plentiful goods , warning human of protecting our earth .
