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wàn fú
  • Wanfu;wish you all happiness or good luck -- a form of greeting by women with folded hands moving about at the lower right side;(in the past) salution of women
万福 [wàn fú]
  • [(in the past) salution of women] 古代妇女行的敬礼,两手轻轻抱拳在胸前右下侧上下移动,同时略做鞠躬的姿势

万福[wàn fú]
  1. 有些比较知名的基金,如万福玛利亚共同基金(AveMariaMutualFunds),明确根据社会问题来筛选公司,避开与堕胎有关的医院和制药企业。

    Some of the better known , such as the Ave Maria Mutual Funds , screen based on explicitly social issues , shunning hospitals and drug companies that it connects with abortions .

  2. 目的:对比万福金安消毒剂空气喷雾擦拭配合紫外线照射30min与单纯紫外线照射60min的消毒效果。

    Objective : To compare the effect of ultraviolet exposure of 60 min and MFK spray combined with ultraviolet exposure of 30 min.

  3. 恭贺新年,并颂万福。

    A happy new year to you and many of them !

  4. 这就是他们所谓的万福玛利亚通行证?

    Is this what they call a Hail Mary pass ?

  5. “说6遍万福玛利亚并把你的短裤给我。”

    " Say six Hail Marys and bring me your shorts . "

  6. 万福金安消毒剂连续使用稳定性试验观察

    Experimental observation on stability of WAN-FU-JIN-AN disinfectant during continuous use

  7. 万福,充满恩宠者,上主与你同在。

    Rejoice , full of grace , the Lord is with you !

  8. 做饭前祈祷;她念她的万福马利亚。

    Say grace ; she said her'hail mary ' .

  9. 万福金安消毒剂性能的实验观察

    Experimental observation on performance of wanfujin ′ an disinfectant

  10. 神父宣告宽恕了他,并要他说十遍万福玛利亚。

    The priest absolved him and told him to say ten hail Mary 's.

  11. 万福公司成立于1994年,是专业木雕、木制品行业制造商。

    Established in 1994 , Wanfu is specialized in woodcarving and woodwork products .

  12. 万福玛利亚,你充满圣宠,主与你同在,你在妇女中受赞颂。

    Hail Mary , full of grace , the Lord is with you .

  13. 生命的悖论:《万福玛利亚》澳在利亚雕塑艺术散谈

    Je vous salue , Marie : Paradox of Life The Art of Sculpture in Australia

  14. 浅覆盖型岩溶区深基坑涌水的勘察治理&以桂林市万福路铁路下穿段帷幕灌浆治水为例

    Reconnaissance and harnessing for water control in basic pit of shallow overburden type karst area

  15. 万福玛丽亚

    Hail Mary full of grace !

  16. 万福玛利亚共同基金的另一个筛选条件是,排除那些给雇员未婚伴侣提供福利的公司。

    Another screen Ave Maria uses excludes companies that provide benefits for the non-married partners of employees .

  17. 针对万福矿井主井建立了不同深度、不同开挖段高,共9种模型分析研究冻结壁变形。

    Then establish a different depth and different excavation section height , and total of 9 models were calculated and analyzed .

  18. 对于那些吟诵特殊祈祷的人来说,例如,祈祷“万福玛利亚保佑”,会帮助他们入睡。

    For some people saying a particular prayer , such as " Hail Mary 's " can be very helpful with falling asleep .

  19. 它的渊源可以追溯到大约19世纪,那时在成都的万福桥边,有一个脸上长着麻子的婆婆,开了一家饭馆。

    It gained in popularity when a pock-marked woman who lived near the Wanfu Bridge opened and ran a restaurant there , circa the19th century .

  20. 你不知道工作是万福的起源,世界上,唯有工作的人,才是应当有吃的呀!

    Do you not know that labour is the source of every blessing , and that none but those who work are entitled to eat ?

  21. 另外,本公司在开发研究新型环保包装材料的基础上,还生产出“万福牌”高科技蜂窝纤维环保寿棺。

    In addition , on the base of the research and development of new recycle package material , we have produced the'WAN Fu'brand high tech honeycomb fiber coffin .

  22. 明后期,又在老城南增筑新城,今万福路、泰康路和一德路为新城的南界。

    The late Ming , but also by building in the old South Park , this Wanfu Road , Taikang Road and Park Road in a south German border .

  23. 当他唱“咏叹调”和“万福玛利亚”时,观众变得很安静,这一次,是被他美丽的高音所折服。

    And when Vitas began singing " Aria " and then " Ave Maria ", the audience became silent , being impressed once more , this time by the high-voice beauty .

  24. 对不锈钢片、铝片、铜片、碳钢片万福金安基本无腐蚀作用,其它三种消毒剂均存在不同程度的腐蚀作用。

    Wan-Fu-Jin-An disinfectant was essentially not corrosive to stainless steel coupon , aluminum coupon , copper coupon and carbon steel coupon , while the other 3 disinfectants were corrosive to various degrees .

  25. 万福桥位于成都北门外,正好是运送菜籽油(一种菜油,四川仍在使用)的脚夫们途经之路。

    Wanfu Qiao sat outside the city wall 's north gate , along a route traversed by laborers lugging rapeseed oil ( a type of vegetable oil still used in Sichuan ) to market .

  26. 近来,随着市场上绿大地万福生科等一系列欺诈案件的曝光,企业内部控制失效问题逐渐获得广泛关注,且市场上要求强化上市公司内部控制监管的呼声也愈发高涨。

    Recently , with the exposure of a series of fraud cases in the capital market such as " Green-Land "" Wanfu Biotechnology "," the internal control failure " gradually gets more attention , and the voices of strengthening the regulating of internal control of listed companies are increasingly high .