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  • 网络Hwange;Neyo;Kwangi
  1. 万盖燃煤电站扩机工程、罗伯特·穆加贝机场改扩建工程以及津巴布韦国家电信运营商NetOne也获得了数十亿美元的资金支持。

    Multi-billion US dollar funding was also secured for the expansion of Hwange Thermal Power Station , Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport , as well as Zimbabwe 's state telecom operator NetOne .

  2. 就在五周前,三星在得到电池着火的报告后表示将召回250万部盖乐世Note7,停产的决定意味着它无法解决相关的问题。

    The decision comes just five weeks after Samsung said it would recall 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 phones after reports of battery fires , suggesting that it has not been able to fix the problem .

  3. 他出资50万想盖个什么博物馆。

    He 's got half a million dollars he wants to lay on some museum .