
  • 网络renaissance;Renaissance Hotel
  1. 下地铁后,他们又改乘另一种更熟悉的交通工具——配备司机的豪华轿车,行驶200码即到达五星级酒店圣潘克拉斯万丽酒店。

    Once they had alighted they reverted to a more familiar mode of travel , using a chauffeur-drivenlimo for the 200-yard hop to the five-star St Pancras Renaissance hotel .

  2. 到达花费1.5亿英镑重新装修的圣潘克拉斯万丽酒店后,他们在售票处餐厅和酒吧里一口气喝掉一杯比利•道森潘趣酒(维多利亚时期的一种朗姆酒与白兰地混合饮料),圆满结束了这次行程。

    At the St Pancras Renaissance hotel , which has had a £ 150m refurbishment , they rounded off their visit by knocking back a glass of Billy Dawson 's punch ( a Victorian rum and cognac drink ) inside the Booking Office restaurant and bar .

  3. 在Schaumburg万丽酒店及会议中心的设计中,约翰·波特曼建筑设计事务所努力营造公共空间,使室内外融为一体,从而使更多的人被吸引到公共空间。

    In the design of the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel Convention Center , John Portman Associates worked to integrate the public spaces , indoors and outside , in such a way that people are drawn to the space .

  4. 武汉万丽酒店暖通空调设计兼谈酒店空调设计特点

    HVAC system design of Renaissance Wuhan Hotel and features in hotel building designing

  5. 这些善款将在上海豫园万丽酒店举行的捐款仪式上捐献给中国微笑行动国际组织的代表们。

    The money will be handed over to representatives from Operation Smile at a ceremony to be held at Renaissance Shanghai Yuyuan Hotel .

  6. 在此,你可顺便看看最近翻修的伦敦圣潘克拉斯万丽酒店,该酒店自称是伦敦市“最浪漫的建筑”

    While you 're in the area , take agander at the recently renovated St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel , whichproclaims itself the city 's " most romantic building . "

  7. 看得见海景的美食空间&香港万丽海景酒店美景阁

    Delicious Food Square Facing Seascape & HongKong Renaissance Hotel Oasis

  8. 上海扬子江万丽大酒店旺盛的生命力让人一如既往地对她充满信任与憧憬。

    Having faith in this vigorous hotel , we 're looking forward to a glorious future of Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel .

  9. 很多客人都向施华德先生反映说,上海扬子江万丽大酒店就像是他们的第二个家一样的温馨。

    Schaller has received warm responses from guests who told him they felt the Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel is their second home .

  10. 上海扬子江万丽大酒店位于上海虹桥高级商业区的中心地带,临近主要的高速公路,堪称真正的“家外之家”。

    Located in the heart of Hongqiao , Shanghai upscale business district , Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel is your home away from home .

  11. 享誉上海的扬子江万丽大酒店啤酒节不但成为了上海旅游节的精彩活动之一,并连续十年在金秋时节将浓郁的巴伐利亚节氛围带到上海。

    The only official Oktoberfest endorsed by the Shanghai Tourism Festival will feature world-renowned Weihenstephan beer from the world 's oldest brewery in Bavaria .

  12. 上海扬子江万丽大酒店携众多知名赞助商将向各位呈现一届真正的,独一无二的德国啤酒节!

    In collaboration with many loyal sponsors , Renaissance Shanghai Yangzte Hotel will bring you the magic of the one and only authentic Oktoberfest in town !

  13. 盛夏的一个黄昏,笔者应邀来到上海扬子江万丽大酒店的福满楼餐厅,参加由其举办的“缤纷健康特色美食”媒体品茗会。

    On one midsummer evening , I went to the Dynasty Restaurant at Renaissance Yangtze Hotel Shanghai to attend the Press Appreciation Conference of the theme campaign " Various Special Healthy Food " .

  14. 尽管这一活动如今还在讨论阶段,但有理由相信,上海扬子江万丽大酒店在今年下半年一定会带给我们全新的餐饮新概念。

    Although this proposal is still in discussion , we have the reason to believe that the Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel will come up with redefined culinary concepts in the second half of2008 .