
  • 网络Marriott International;Marriott Hotel
  1. 70年代,施拉格凭借Studio54俱乐部声名鹊起。如今,他和万豪国际酒店集团(MarriottInternational)携手打造艾迪逊品牌酒店。

    Mr. Schrager , who first came to prominence with Studio 54 in the 1970s , is collaborating with Marriott International on Edition brand hotels .

  2. 在经济低迷时期,身为万豪国际酒店集团(Marriott)的一员是否有助于贵公司渡过难关?

    Has being owned by Marriott ( MAR ) been helpful in these tougher times ?

  3. 苏安励是万豪国际酒店董事长兼首席执行官表示。

    Arne Sorenson is President and CEO of Marriott International hotels .

  4. 万豪国际酒店管理公司所管理或特许的酒店分布于全球七十个国家,所有员工尽各自所能为患病儿童伸出援手创建基金会,奉献自己的一片爱心,并且为全球环境保护作出贡献。

    With hotels located in70 countries around the world , the hotel 's associates give their hearts and hands to raise funds for sick children and to help clean up the environment .