
wàn shén diàn
  • pantheon
  1. 在万神殿(Pantheon)附近的Sant’Eustachio咖啡店,每杯浓缩咖啡顶部都浮着一层厚到不可思议的栗色泡沫;

    At the Sant'Eustachio caff è , near the Pantheon , every espresso is topped with an improbably thick layer of chestnut-hued foam ;

  2. 在我这个年龄的人中,信仰爱国主义这类价值观是另类,22岁的卡梅洛·拉亚(CarmeloRaia)说。拉亚是法律系学生,上个月从西西里岛的阿格里真托来到罗马守卫万神殿。

    Believing in values like patriotism is fairly atypical among people my age , acknowledged Carmelo Raia , 22 , a law student who last month traveled to Rome from Agrigento , Sicily , to stand guard in the Pantheon .

  3. 罗马的万神殿和巴拿马运河有何相似之处?

    What is similar about the Roman Pantheon and the Panama Canal ?

  4. 接着我去观看万神殿。

    Then I go have a look at the Pantheon .

  5. 此外,有一位新的女神,被迎进万神殿。

    What 's more , a new goddess is being introduced into the pantheon of deities .

  6. 杰克逊也加入了一个过世明星的万神殿在这里各位明星们的遗产被唱片公司加以巧妙地利用。

    Jackson joins a pantheon of revenant stars whose legacies have been adroitly exploited by record companies .

  7. 万神殿众多的神把一部分力量注入这个些龙群的五个首领。

    The greatest members of the Pantheon imbued a portion of their power upon each of the flights'leaders .

  8. 瑞瑙特女士最晚近的著作是《葬礼竞技会》,1981年由万神殿书局在美国出版。

    Miss Renault 's most recent book was'Funeral Games , 'published in the United States by Pantheon in1981 .

  9. 刘波是否会因为网友的恶搞而进入中国互联网万神殿还有待观察。

    It remains to be seen whether Mr. Liu will enter the pantheon of legendary China Internet memes .

  10. 卡兹格罗斯:缺陷种居然也敢来挑战万神殿,你们的勇气令人钦佩但这一切努力终将成为泡影。

    Khaz'goroth : A little flawed creature dares to challenge the Pantheon , although your bravery is admirable but it is futile .

  11. 参观古罗马斗兽场、古罗马广场和万神殿时,设想一下罗马帝国全盛时期的景象。

    Visualize the Roman Empire in it 's full glory while visiting the ancient Roman sites of the Coliseum , Roman Forum and Pantheon .

  12. 公元609或610年,教皇卜尼法斯四世为罗马万神殿祝圣,并将5月13日定为“众圣人节”。

    The festival of All Siants dates to May 13 in 609 or 610 , when Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon at Rome .

  13. 各式各样的建筑,从罗马的万神殿到巴拿马运河,都因混凝土而能通过时间的考验。

    A variety of buildings , from the Roman Pantheon to the Panama Canal , have stood the test of time because of concrete .

  14. 来自尼泊尔的著名舞蹈家拉杰恩德拉·斯瑞斯塔表演罕见的密宗礼仪舞蹈,将佛教万神殿中的各种神和女神赋予人格化。

    Acclaimed dancer from Nepal , Rajendra Shrestha , will perform rarely seen ritual dances personifying the gods and goddesses of the Tantric Buddhist pantheon .

  15. 他为好莱坞引入高端时尚,并在实际上创造了现代红地毯体验,因此,他在流行文化的万神殿中也拥有一席之地。

    And he has a place in the pantheon of pop culture for introducing Hollywood to high fashion and in effect creating the modern red-carpet experience .

  16. 万神殿是哈第安皇帝在公元2世纪时建立的,它的圆顶至今仍是世界上最大的混凝土圆顶之一。

    The Pantheon here was built by the Emperor Haydrian in the2nd century AD and its dome is still one of the largest concrete domes in the world .

  17. 罗马人发明出防湿混凝土,用它来建造万神殿这样的建筑基础,用来围水库、起港口。

    The Romans had invented damp proof concrete , and they used it for the foundations of buildings like the pantheon , for lining reservoirs and for constructing harbors .

  18. 但它一直在呼吁通过请愿以及对议会法案的支持把四名萨伏伊家族成员的遗骸埋在万神殿。

    But it has been campaigning with petitions and support of parliamentary bills to bury in the Pantheon the remains of the four Savoy family members who died outside Italy during the exile .

  19. 但它一直在呼吁——通过请愿以及对议会法案的支持——把四名萨伏伊家族成员的遗骸埋在万神殿。

    But it has been campaigning - with petitions and support of parliamentary bills - to bury in the Pantheon the remains of the four Savoy family members who died outside Italy during the exile .

  20. 这里,我们将展现已知的两种泰坦和万神殿成员的数据,包括泰坦的首领们和一些宇宙中最强大的存在。

    Here , we resent statistics for the two known races of titans and for the members of the Pantheon & the leaders of the titans and some of the universe 's most powerful entities .

  21. 逝世于1878年的维托里奥·埃马努埃莱二世对现代意大利的建立起到了关键作用,万神殿里的埃马努埃莱二世纪念馆将他称作祖国之父。

    King Vittorio Emanuele II , who died in 1878 , played an essential part in founding modern Italy , and his memorial at the Pantheon in Rome is dedicated to the Father of the Homeland .

  22. 我一有机会就去看万神殿,毕竟我就在罗马;有句古老谚语说,去罗马不看万神殿,回去的时候就是蠢驴。

    I try to look at the Pantheon every chance I get , since I am here in Rome after all , and an old proverb says that anyone who goes to Rome without seeing the Pantheon goes and comes back an ass.

  23. 他说,把他们的遗体送回万神殿,将是共和国的支持者与君主制及其后代的支持者的一次和解&这是在强调这段历史属于意大利。

    Bringing the remains back to the Pantheon , he said , would be an act of reconciliation between those who voted for the republic and those who voted for the monarchy and their heirs & it 's underscoring that this history belongs to Italy .

  24. 逝世于1878年的维托里奥·埃马努埃莱二世对现代意大利的建立起到了关键作用,万神殿里的埃马努埃莱二世纪念馆将他称作“祖国之父”。万神殿里还安放着1900年被暗杀的翁贝托一世的遗体。

    King Vittorio Emanuele II , who died in 1878 , played an essential part in founding modern Italy , and his memorial at the Pantheon in Rome is dedicated to the " Father of the Homeland . " It also houses Umberto I , who was assassinated in 1900 .

  25. 罗马——136年来,万神殿皇陵仪仗队一直守卫着曾经统治意大利的萨伏依王朝国王的遗骸,向这个曾经不可一世的王朝表达朴素而庄重的敬意,纪念他们在国家统一过程中扮演的角色。

    ROME - For 136 years , the Honor Guard to the Royal Tombs of the Pantheon has stood watch over the mortal remains of the Savoy kings who formerly ruled Italy , paying a discreet , sober tribute to a once-powerful dynasty in recognition of its role in unifying the country .