
  1. 对这些事情表达感激是一个极好的方式,提醒自己万事都有好的一面。

    Giving thanks for those things is a great way to remind yourself that there is good in just about everything .

  2. 随便一条不适宜的说说或者不雅醉酒照都可能影响到你进入理想的大学或公司,万事小心为好。

    One damning post or sloppy-drunk photo could ruin your chances of getting into your college of choice or ideal company . It 's better to be safe than sorry .

  3. 最后的结果还是一样的,万事最后会带来好结果。

    And finally it comes to the same thing . Everything worked out in the end .

  4. 君主信任年高德助的老臣,万事都能治好。

    If the ruler appoints virtuous men of experience and age , myriad affairs will be well managed .