
  • 网络underdetermination;incomplete dominance
  1. 根际土有效Zn含量充足时,苹果树根内含Zn量不完全决定于根系活力。

    Under conditions of sufficient content of available zinc in soil , the content of zinc in roots was not entirely dependent on the root vigour .

  2. 专利技术信息的不完全性决定了高的风险成本;

    The incompleteness of patent technology information decides high risk cost ;

  3. 农产品契约本身的不完全性决定了法律手段解决这一障碍的无效性。

    The imperfection of agriculture contract impairs the effect of legal measures to solve the problems .

  4. 利用与β地中海贫血致病基因连锁的遗传标记进行产前诊断已成为可能,但群体中遗传标记与致病基因的不完全连锁决定了产前诊断的局限性。

    It is possible to use some β - thalassemia gene linkage markers for prenatal diagnosis of the disease currently . But there are some limitations due to incomplete linkage between these genetic markers and β - thalassemia gene in population .

  5. 随着细胞老化,它们会缩短、磨损,不过这一过程不完全由时间决定。

    They shorten and fray as a cell ages , although the process is not strictly chronological .

  6. 论文认为,我国的股市的不完全成熟性决定了其非有效性。

    The paper believes that the stock market in China , the incomplete maturity decided its non-effectiveness .

  7. 因此我们得出结论,会计固有风险的直接动因是会计政策选择,根源来自于不完全契约理论决定的原则导向型会计准则。

    Therefore , we conclude that the risks inherent in accounting is the direct result of the accounting policy choice , causes incomplete contract theory from the principle of decision-oriented accounting standards .

  8. 这不完全是我的决定,不过我想总的说来我是同意这一决定的。

    It wasn 't entirely my decision , though I think that generally I agree with it .

  9. 结果表明镀层的氢脆性能与镀层结构有密切关系,但不完全由镀层结构决定。

    The results indicated that the hydrogen embrittlement performance was related to plating structure , but was not completely determined by it .

  10. 在产品开发周期的这些阶段上所做出的不完全的思考和决定,常常在产品的发布和维护阶段突然出现。

    Incompletely thought through decisions at these phases of the product lifecycle often crop up further down the line when it comes time release and maintain the software product .