
  • 网络flightless bird
  1. 企鹅是一种不会飞的鸟。

    The penguin is a flightless bird .

  2. 澳大利亚大型但不会飞的鸟,与鸵鸟相似但较小。

    Large Australian flightless bird similar to the ostrich but smaller .

  3. 在澳大利亚有一种不会飞的鸟叫emu。

    The emu is an Australian bird incapable of flying .

  4. 它来自于不会飞的鸟,澳大利亚的内陆地区。

    It comes from the flightless bird of the Australian outback .

  5. 已经灭绝的毛里求斯岛上笨重的不会飞的鸟,与鸽子近缘。

    Extinct heavy flightless bird of Mauritius related to pigeons .

  6. 纽西兰人则骄傲地展示他们的鹬鸵,一种不会飞的鸟。

    New Zealanders proudly display their kiwi , a native flightless bird .

  7. 我给$3.50去看不会飞的鸟?

    We paid $ 3.50 to see a bird that can 't fly ?

  8. 企鹅是唯一一种会游泳但不会飞的鸟。

    The penguin is the only bird who can swim , but not fly .

  9. 我喜欢不会飞的鸟。

    I love birds that can 't fly .

  10. 已经灭绝的不会飞的鸟,与渡渡鸟近缘。

    Extinct flightless bird related to the dodo .

  11. 我注定是这世界上唯一一只不会飞的鸟!有什么是我需要知道的么?

    I 'm chained to the only bird in the world who can 't fly !

  12. 真可怜,不会飞的鸟。

    It 's sad , don 't you think ? Birds that can 't fly ?

  13. 产自新西兰已灭绝的不会飞的鸟。

    Extinct flightless bird of New Zealand .

  14. 两种奔跑快速但不会飞的鸟中的较大者,类似驼鸟但具有三趾;产于从巴西到巴塔哥尼亚的地区。

    Larger of two tall fast-running flightless birds similar to ostriches but three-toed ; found from Brazil to Patagonia .

  15. “鸸鹋:一种大型、不会飞的澳大利亚鸟(鸸鹋鸸鹋科),同鸵鸟与食火鸡类似且有血缘关系.”

    " emu : a large , flightless australian bird ( Dromiceius novaehollandiae ) related to and resembling the ostrich and the cassowary . "

  16. 澳大利亚、新几内亚不会飞的大型黑色鸟,头顶有一个角状的鸟冠。

    Large black flightless bird of Australia and New Guinea having a horny head crest .