
  1. 一部音乐作品的有旋律的主题。

    Melodic subject of a musical composition .

  2. 一个旋律的主题是一段至少出现过两次的不重叠音乐片段。

    A theme is a melody there have been at least two non-overlapping pieces of music .

  3. 阿贝格这个名字—实际上是A-B-E-G-G,这是旋律的主题。

    The name " Abegg " is actually A-B-E-G-G , and that 's the main theme in the melody .

  4. 跟一些歌剧中的音乐一样,有些影片中的音乐也有主旋律或主题,这些主旋律始终跟某些人物或场面同时出现。

    Like some operas , some film scores contain themes or motifs that are identified with certain characters or that under certain scenes .

  5. 为了追求音乐的模糊性,从而形成大量运用音型织体动机及短句旋律来构成主题的特点。

    In order to pursue the fuzziness of music , thus forms weave the body motive and the short phrase melody massively is used to figure the subject characteristic .

  6. 本文主要运用历史文化批评和文本研究相结合的方法,采用创作心理学以及精神分析学的有关理论,对四十年代新诗中潜在的主旋律&命运主题展开分析。

    In this thesis the potential theme in the new poems of the forties ~ destiny is analyzing by combining historical culture criticism and text study and adopting relevant theories on creation psychology and psychoanalysis .

  7. 第二章是两首合唱作品的分析,主要从旋律旋法、主题贯穿、人声的运用与配合、调性、复调手法及其运用等诸多方面做了较为详细的分析。

    The second chapter is a detailed analysis of his two choral works , mainly on the melody , Tune-method , theme throughout , and the use of the voice , tone , polyphonic and many other aspects of technique and its application .