
  • 网络Rotation accuracy;rotative accuracy;Rotary Motion Resolution
  1. 文章分析了超声振动车削时工件的装夹偏心和车床主轴的旋转精度对加工表面粗糙度的影响。

    This paper analyses the influence of the eccentric clamp of the workpiece and the rotative accuracy of the lathe spindle on the ultrasonic lathe .

  2. 圆柱滚子和推力滚针组合轴承YRT系列具有旋转精度高、可承受较大的径向载荷和双向轴向载荷以及大的倾覆力矩等特点。

    YRT series cylindrical roller and thrust needle roller combined bearings , with high rotation accuracy , can support heavier radial loads , double direction axial load and inclined torque , etc.

  3. 轴承沟道局部变形对旋转精度的影响

    Influence of Local Deformation of Bearing Raceway Groove on Running Accuracy

  4. 主轴旋转精度对晶体切割精度影响的研究

    Research on How the Main Spindle-axis Revolving Accuracy Affects the Cutting Precision of the Crystal Materials

  5. 提高主轴旋转精度的方法

    Increasing rotary accuracy of spindle

  6. 该机器具有强大的启闭机火车,旋转精度高,噪音低和平稳运行。

    The machines have powerful headstock gear train , high rotating accuracy and smooth running with low noise .

  7. 提高主轴的加工精度和降低表面粗糙度,可提高主轴的旋转精度和减少主轴的磨损。

    High machining precision and low surface roughness may improve the main spindle rotating precision and decrease the wear of the main spindle .

  8. 实验表明该系统能够给出较好的解算结果,其中平移精度达到0.99%,旋转精度达到3.30%。

    Experiment shows that the embedded system can give a good result : translation motion accuracy is 0.99 % , and rotation accuracy is 3.30 % .

  9. 本动力头具有高速、高旋转精度,承载力、刚性大,运转可靠稳定的优点。

    The unit head has the advantages of high speed , high rotation accuracy , large bearing capacity and rigidity , as well as reliable and stable operation .

  10. 高速电主轴轴承与转轴配合的过盈量大小对主轴的刚度、旋转精度和使用寿命具有十分重要的影响。

    For a high speed motorized spindle , the interference fit between the shaft and bearing has a great influence on the stiffness , rotary accuracy and life of the spindle .

  11. 实验证明经过良好的设计和装调,采用转移膜润滑工艺,加以准确合适的均匀的轴向预载,可以使轴承保持低且较稳定的摩擦力矩、高的旋转精度和较长的寿命。

    Meanwhile it proves by tests that good design , good assembly , taking transfer technology and suitable preload can get lower and stable frictional torque , high rotary precision and longer life .

  12. 双列角接触球轴承或双列圆锥滚子轴承的轴向游隙对轴承的疲劳寿命、旋转精度、温升和噪声等性能有很大影响。

    The axial clearance of double row angular contact ball bearing or double row tapered roller bearing has important effect on bearing performances such as fatigue life , running accuracy , temperature raise and noise etc.

  13. 圆度误差的存在直接影响着零部件的配合精度、旋转精度、摩擦、振动、噪声等,因而降低了他们的使用寿命。

    Roundness error affects the components on such aspects , the precision , accuracy of rotation , friction , vibration , noise and so on ; thereby roundness error will cause their loss of life .

  14. 该测量方法仅对工件旋转精度提出一定要求,可避免其它常用测量方法对长导轨的运动精度要求。

    By the method , only certain requirement for the rotation accuracy of workpiece is needed , and the requirement for motion accuracy of long guiding rails in other conventional measuring methods can be avoided .

  15. 提高主轴刚性和旋转精度,控制滚动体的公转和自转打滑,应对高速精密角接触球轴承施加一定的预紧载荷。

    In order to increase rigidity and rotation accuracy , to control the revolution and rotation slip of the rolling elements , the certain preload should be applied on a high speed angular contact ball bearing .

  16. 为提高磨床砂轮主轴的旋转精度以及改进轴承结构,杭州机床厂将原来使用的动压轴承改成预载荷弹性变形含油轴承并取得初步成效。

    In order to improve the rotating accuracy of main shafts and optimize the structure of bearings in grinding machines , Hangzhou Machine Tool Plant has won initial success by substituting oil-impregnated bearings , which were preloaded elastic deforming , for hydrodynamic bearings .

  17. 如何提高大型数控加工设备工作台的转速、旋转精度、加工效率和加工精度,提高国际市场竞争力是目前非常迫切的任务之一。

    How to improve the rotation speed , running accuracy , equipment efficiency and process precision of the working table of heavy type numerical control process equipment , and how to enhance its competition in international market is one of the most urgent missions at present .

  18. 讨论了影响轴系旋转精度的诸多误差因素,如轴向窜动误差,角度摆动误差等,并定量分析了构成轴系零件的形位误差引起旋转轴系在回转运动中的晃动误差。

    A number of factors having effect on the accuracy of rotary axes , such as radial runout and angular swing , are discussed , and a quantitative analysis has also been made for the axial shaking error resulting from the form and position errors of the rotary axis components .

  19. 线圈位置对磁阻式旋转变压器精度影响的仿真与实验研究

    Simulation and Experimental Study on Influence of Coil Positions on Accuracy of Variable Reluctance Resolver

  20. 实验表明,该方法对平移和旋转配准精度高,并且有较强的抗噪声性能。最后对本文工作进行了总结,并对图像配准领域仍需进一步深入研究的地方进行了展望。

    Experiments show that the method has high accuracy on translation and rotation registration , and strong performance in resisting noise . Finally , this work is summarized this paper , and look to the future in the field of image registration .

  21. 为了达到对混联机床主旋转轴精度准确评价的目的,采用单频激光干涉仪进行精度检测,并为机床主旋转轴定位误差的补偿做准备。

    In order to evaluate the precision of the principal rotational axis on hybrid NC machine tools , an advanced single frequency laser interferometer is developed to measure the accuracy , which is prepared for compensating the positioning errors of the principal rotational axis .

  22. 此外,我们还考查了旋转和平移精度对重建图像的影响。最后,从理论的角度解释了CT扫描系统参数对重建CT图像的影响,弄清了通过相叠采样提高超分辨成像分辨率的条件。

    It is theoretically that the geometric parameters ' influence on the reconstructed images is explained , consequently we ravel the conditions of improving super-resolution imaging resolution by overlap sampling .

  23. 测头旋转式高精度圆度仪

    Rotary Sensor Roundness Measuring Instrument with High Accuracy

  24. 两阶段平移、旋转图像高精度配准算法

    Registration of Double Phases Translated and Rotated Image

  25. 但传统的校正算法运行时间长,旋转参数估计精度不高。

    However , running time of the traditional algorithm is very long , and rotation parameter estimation accuracy is not high .

  26. 工作台转盘旋转速度和精度是由静压推力轴承性能的理论计算、设计、加工和装配等多种因素决定的。

    The rotation speed and precision of working table are determined by many factors of thrust bearing , such as theoretical arithmetic , design , process and assembly , etc. hydrostatic thrust bearing is mostly adopts analogy design without systematical and accurate calculation .

  27. 管形轴类件楔横轧技术较常规的实心件的楔横轧技术,在成形规律、旋转条件、成形精度控制方面都有较大的差异。

    It has many differences between the hollow part 's CWR process and the solid part 's , such as the forming rule and rotational condition and control of part 's accuracy .

  28. 作为制造大型锻件关键装备之一的重载锻造操作机,其夹钳旋转角位移控制精度,直接影响锻件的锻造精度和质量。

    A heavy-load forging manipulator is one of the key equipment used to manufacture the large-sized forgings . The precision of the clamp rotating angular displacement , directly affects the precision and quality of the forgings .

  29. 地球旋转是影响弹道导弹弹道精度的重要因素,通过运用简化公式对地球旋转对弹道导弹精度的影响进行了计算。

    The earth rotation is one of the important factors which affect the accuracy of ballistic missile trajectory . The accuracy of ballistic missile trajectory influenced by the earth rotation is calculated and analyzed with simplification formulary .

  30. 设计时我们充分考虑了工艺的需求,包括张力传感器的精度和抗干扰性能,绞笼旋转时参数的检测及传输问题,电机旋转精度的控制。

    We consider process requirement enough , including precision of tension sensors , immunity , parameter detection and data transmission , precision of motors .