
  • 网络babbitt;Milton Babbitt;Bobbit
  1. 米尔顿‧巴比特便据此创造了自己的时序系统,使得每个音符的起奏点之间的时间距离也呈现序列的关系。

    Milton Babbitt created his time point system , where the distance in time between attack points for the notes is serialized also , while some composers serialized aspects such as register or dynamics .

  2. 保罗・巴比特(PaulBabbitt),南阿肯色大学(SouthernArkansasUniversity)副教授:在将互联网用作政治和社会控制工具方面,政府的效率将大大提高。

    Paul Babbitt , an associate professor at Southern Arkansas University : ' Governments will become much more effective in using the Internet as an instrument of political and social control .

  3. 巴比特赶紧跑进保罗的浴室。里面空无一人。

    Babbitt flung into Paul 's bathroom . It was empty .

  4. 这时候,巴比特看到庞弗里教授正吃力地一步一步爬上坡。

    Then Babbitt saw Professor Pumphrey laboriously crawling up hill .

  5. 保罗露出一丝笑容。现在杂乱无章地瞎扯的是巴比特。

    Paul was half smiling . It was Babbitt who rambled now .

  6. 巴比特效应:这孩子吐字不清还胡话连篇。

    BABBITT EFFECT : Child gibbers nonsense all the time .

  7. 乔这才认可了巴比特向他表示的友好。

    Only thus did Joe recognize the friendship Babbitt was offering him .

  8. 第二天上午九点钟,乔到巴比特住的小屋来报到。

    Jow reported at Babbit 's cabin at nine the next morning .

  9. 巴比特逐渐发现自己并不是个真正有主见的人。

    Gradually Babbit found that he had no real resources with himself .

  10. 运用一些《嘉莉妹妹》、《巴比特》书中的特有例子来当成历史证据。

    Use specific examples from Status Seekers and Bobos as historical evidence .

  11. 巴比特绝不是一个无足轻重的人物。

    Babbitt is far from being a contemptible figure .

  12. 论辛克莱·刘易斯《大街》、《巴比特》中的反叛精神

    Thoughts on the Rebellious Spirit in Singlair Lewis 's Main Street and Babbitt

  13. 巴比特是单身专业人士的常去地。

    Babbitt 's is a popular hot spot with single , young professionals .

  14. 她在孩子们面前揭巴比特小时候的老底时使他非常难堪。

    Babbitt was most exasperated when she revealed his boyhood to the children .

  15. 巴比特不常和雇员争吵。

    Babbitt did not often squabble with his employees .

  16. 巴比特感到十分惭愧、自豪、局促不安。

    Babbitt was enormously shy and proud and self-conscious .

  17. 巴比特还很少一个人在房子里待一个晚上呢。

    Rarely had Babbitt been alone in the house for an entire evening .

  18. 分析巴比特的特险中隐含的阿Q气也是顺理成章的。

    So it is reasonable to analyze Ah-Q style from Babbitt 's personality .

  19. 接着,巴比特驶入了词藻的海洋。

    Then Babbitt slid into a sea of eloquence .

  20. 巴比特很有希望成为公认的演说家。

    Babbitt promised to become a recognized orator .

  21. 特德的松松垮垮叫巴比特担心。

    Babbitt was frightened by Ted 's slackness .

  22. 缅因州对巴比特有一种安神作用。

    Maine had a soothing effect upon Babbitt .

  23. 巴比特无章可循,不能作权威性的发言了。

    Babbitt was without a canon which would enable him to speak with authority .

  24. 巴比特省长在今日早些时候做了讲话。

    Governor Babbit spoke to us earlier today .

  25. 巴比特面对黑暗的池塘坐在树桩上,不时拍打蚊子。

    Babbitt sat on the stump , facing the dark pond , slapping mosquitoes .

  26. 《巴比特》:美国20世纪20年代主流价值准则的缩影

    Babbitt : the miniature of the American Leading Value and Norms in the 1920 's

  27. 巴比特的小天地崩塌了。

    Babbitt 's world collapsed about him .

  28. 并非只是那些巴比特们认为阅读诗歌的人有些古怪。

    It is not just the Babbitts who think something odd about people who read poetry .

  29. 巴比特兴高采烈,男子气概十足。

    Babbitt was expansive and virile .

  30. 巴比特是一名正式代表。

    Babbitt was an official delegate .