
  • 网络Holder;CAGE;Retainer
  1. 分析了钢球、保持架和油脂对异声的影响程度;

    The influence of steel ball , cage and grease on abnormal sound has been analyzed .

  2. 钢保持架在其整个长度范围内引导滚子,因此允许相对高速的运行。

    The steel cage guides the rollers over their entire length , thus permitting relatively high-speed operation .

  3. 球轴承C型保持架一次冲孔模设计

    Design of the Punching Die for C-type Ball Bearing Cage

  4. 深沟球轴承保持架球兜曲率Rc取值原则探讨

    Exploring for principle of choosing cage pocket curvature R_c value of deep groove ball bearing

  5. H型冲压保持架设计方法

    A design method for H type pressed cage

  6. CD钢结硬质合金在轴承保持架模具上的应用

    Application of CD Type Steel-bonded Carbide to Bearing Cage Dies

  7. 利用CAD技术改进筐形保持架一次压坡凸模的设计

    Improving design of male die used to singly press bevel of basket cage using CAD technique

  8. 铜合金实体轴承保持架挤压CAPP系统的开发

    Developing of Extrusion CAPP System for Copper Alloy Solid Bearing Cages

  9. 带有经过加工的窗式的黄铜保持架的角接触球轴承,其后缀是MP。

    Angular contact ball bearings with machined window-type brass cages are suffixed MP .

  10. 填充PTFE轴承保持架材料的研制与应用

    Development and Composites PTFE in Bearing Containers

  11. 对于M型保持架来说,当内圈为转动圈时,应满足P2<P1、δ1,δ2),当外圈为转动圈时,应满足P1<(P2、δ1,δ2)。

    For M - shaped cage , when inner ring is rotating ring , it must satisfy P2 < ( P1 ,δ 1 ,δ 2 );

  12. 在轴承整体稳定的拟动力学解的基础上,利用四阶Runge-Kutta积分方法计算了保持架质心随时间的变化规律。

    On the base of quasi - dynamics solution of stable state of the bearing , the instantaneous locations of cage mass center has been found by 4 rank Runge - Kutta integral method .

  13. 结果表明:两种状态的保持架具有不同的吸湿特性,但基本均符合通过Fick第二扩散法则和Darcy流动法则建立的数学模型。

    The results show that the dry and oil immersed cages have different moisture-absorbing characteristics , but both is consonant with the modal set up by Fick Second Law and Darcy Flow Law .

  14. 在拆卸或安装备胎或操纵备胎保持架之前,请阅读《cayenne驾驶员手册》中标题为“备胎”的一节。

    Read the section entitled " spare wheel " in the Cayenne driver 's manual before removing or fitting the spare wheel , or before actuating the spare wheel holder .

  15. 采用沟道工作表面溅射MoS2,钢球离子镀TiN及自润滑保持架技术,进行轴承优化设计。

    By adopting techniques such as scattering the MoS 2 on the working surface of the raceways , ion plating TiN on the surface of the steel balls and self-lubricating cage , the optimal design of the bearing has been made .

  16. 以2002轴承保持架的形式所做的500h台架试验结果表明,FC&5材料可以满足使用要求,是取代青铜作为液压油环境下使用的较理想的保持架材料。

    The bench tests of this composite over 500h indicate that , as a ball bearing maintainer materials used in aircraft fluid environments , FC-5 is an ideal material , which can instead of bronze .

  17. 采用直接挤压铸造成形工艺来生产Al-Cu系合金高速机床主轴轴承保持架筒形坯件,试验研究了其工艺参数对该铸件组织及力学性能的影响,从而确定出挤压铸造筒形件合适的工艺参数。

    Producing the Al-Cu alloy mainshaft retainer of high speed machine tool cylindrical ingot with direct squeeze casting shape process . The effect of squeeze casting processing parameters on mechanical properties of the cylindrical ingot were investigated . Then the appropriate processing parameters were defined .

  18. 在求出轴承整体稳定的拟动力学解的基础上,利用RungeKutta方法计算了保持架质心随时间的变化规律,并研究了轴承结构参数对保持架运动的影响。

    On the base of quasi-dynamics solution of the bearing in steady , the instantaneous location of mass center of the cage is found by Runge-Kutta integral method , and the effect of structure parameters of the bearing on cage motion is studied .

  19. 结果表明该自润滑球轴承在径向/轴向载荷为2940/3920N条件下能够从保持架上获得足够的转移膜润滑,而在载荷达到3900/5800N时失效。

    The results show that the bearing operated well in the presence of lubricating film transferred from the retainer under radial load of 2940N and axial load of 3920N , but failed under radial load of 3900N and axial load of 5800N .

  20. 小型浪形保持架成形模的设计计算

    Design and calculation of forming die for small type ribbon cages

  21. 较大的轴承用加工钢或黄铜作为保持架。

    Larger bearings are provided with machined steel or brass cages .

  22. 铁路轴承保持架钻、扩组合机床设计

    Design of Drilling and Broaching Modular Machine for Railway Bearing Retainer

  23. 高速滚动轴承保持架自由振动特性研究

    On the Free Vibration of High - Speed Ball Bearing Retainer

  24. 保持架的调节或检查工作需由两人协作完成!

    Two people are needed to adjust or inspect the holders !

  25. 窗孔:保持架上的用来保持滚子的孔;

    POCKET : Holes in the cage which hold the rollers ;

  26. 将控制单元插入保持架,确认卡子接合。

    Insert control unit into holder making sure the clips engage .

  27. 用尖嘴钳从充压板上拆下连接点保持架。

    Remove connection point holder from plenum panel using pointed-nose pliers .

  28. 轴承保持架双锁点兜孔结构的研究与设计

    Technical Study and Design on Double Locked Pocket of Bearing Cage

  29. 圆锥滚子轴承保持架扩张模具计算方法

    Calculation method of expanding die set for tapered roller bearing cage

  30. 圆柱滚子轴承实体保持架内径压印锁口锁量的分析

    Analysis of Locking Amount of Solid Cages for Cylindrical Roller Bearings