
  • 网络retention rate
  1. 结果表明,在不饱和聚酯树脂中加入20%的该类低收缩添加剂,树脂的固化收缩率为21%,弯曲强度保有率为88%,弯由模量没有明显变化;

    It shows that after adding 20 % low profile additive to the UP resin , the shrinkage rate of cured resin is 2.1 % , the retention rate of bending strength is 88 % and no change in flexural modulus .

  2. 对于典型高功耗任务集,CSFB算法的电量保有率和空闲时间利用率相比同类有效算法分别提高了12.29%和37.03%,能有效延长嵌入式系统的工作时间,实现更佳节能效果。

    Results indicate that our strategy is capable to schedule task sets of all loads efficiently , and our algorithm ( achieves ) 37.03 % higher slack utilization ratio and 12.29 % higher remaining charge ratio on average than other successful algorithms in scheduling typical heavy-loaded tasks .

  3. 汽车保有率的提高,推动了许多相关事物。

    The spread of car ownership has prompted many spin-offs .

  4. 目前,中国的汽车保有率不足5%,但大部分中国城市已经遭受了严重的交通拥堵。

    Fewer than 1 in 20 Chinese currently own a car , yet most Chinese cities already suffer terrible traffic jams .

  5. 考虑上述种种因素,并假定电池成本大幅下降,该机构预计,到2020年时,美国电动汽车保有率将达到3.1%。

    Taking all this into account and assuming a big drop in battery costs , it predicts 3.1 per cent US penetration by 2020 .

  6. 阐述了退耕还林工程的重要意义,指出退耕后造林保有率不高,主要是退耕后续产业跟不上等原因。

    This paper expounds the important significance of returning agriculture land to forestry engineering ; points out the forest retaining rate after returning land to forestry is not high .

  7. 里昂一直偏重防守没有向前压上,我们保有控球率,充分利用了我们的机会去得分。

    Lyonnais waited for us in defence and we kept possession and made good use of our chances to score .

  8. 研究背景及目的:随着经济的发展,我国摩托车保有量和使用率逐年增加,交通事故也居高不下。

    Background and purpose : With economic development , the motorcycle possession volume and usage has increased year by year , traffic accidents are also high .