
  • 网络protected cultivation
  1. 保护地栽培土壤锰毒的矫正

    Study on the Correction of Manganese Toxicity in Protected Cultivation Soil

  2. 凯特杏保护地栽培技术的研究凯特杏设施栽培特性研究

    The Studies on Characteristics of Katy Apricot for Protected Cultivation

  3. 通过NaCl处理筛选出了适合保护地栽培的耐盐西瓜砧木,并对其耐盐机理进行了研究。

    Salt-tolerant watermelon stock suit for greenhouse culture was successfully isolated through NaCl stress , and the mechanism of salt-tolerance of stock was studied .

  4. 总产量比早青一代(CK)增产11.4% ̄14.3%,一般保护地栽培产量为75000kg/hm2左右,已在陕西、甘肃、河北等地推广种植。

    Its yield under protected cultivation is about 75t / hm2 and is 11.4 ~ 14.3 % higher than that of ' ZaoqingYidai ( CK ) ' . It has been extended to Shaanxi , Gansu , Hebei etc.

  5. 结果表明:DRC-148和爱心为西宁地区保护地栽培的适宜品种。

    DRC-148 and Aixin is suitable for protected cultivation varieties in Xining area .

  6. 西欧是从古罗马帝国的第五代皇帝尼禄(Nero)时期(公元54&68年)掘坑后覆盖云母或滑石板片进行保护地栽培。

    In west since the sth emperor-Nero time of the Roman Empire , mica sheet and talcum sheet were used to cover the digged pit where the protective culture was carried on .

  7. 番茄灰霉病(BotrYtiscinerea)是近年来保护地栽培番茄的主要病害之一,各类棚室均有发生,在北方保护地内发生尤为普遍。

    In recent years , tomato gray mold ( Botrytis cinerea ) was one of the main diseases of tomato cultivated in protected areas , all kinds of Greenhouse have occurred , particularly prevalent in the north protected .

  8. 香椿保护地栽培技术研究

    Study on culture technology of Toona sinensis growing in Protected Fields

  9. 大樱桃保护地栽培关键技术措施

    The Key Technological Method of Cultivation to Protection for Big Cherry

  10. 雷竹保护地栽培林分立竹结构的初步研究

    Preliminary study on composition of Lei bamboo in protected plot

  11. 七品红草莓特性及保护地栽培技术要点

    Characteristics of Qip in hong Cultivar and Cultivation Measures in Protected Land

  12. 抗叶霉病、病毒病,耐早疫病,适宜北方保护地栽培。

    It is suitable for protected cultivation in North China .

  13. 蔬菜保护地栽培形式定义及分类商榷

    Discussion on Definitions and Classification of Protected Culture Types Used in China

  14. 油桃保护地栽培整形修剪方式研究

    Study on the Training System and Pruning of Nectarine in Protected Cultivation

  15. 长春市蔬菜保护地栽培土壤微生物区系的时空变化趋势

    Changes of Soil Microbial Communities in Protected Vegetable Filed in Changchun City

  16. 既适宜露地种植,又适宜日光温室等保护地栽培。

    It is suitable for cultivation in the greenhouse or the open field .

  17. 瓜叶菊保护地栽培主要病虫害及其防治

    Prevention and Control of Diseases and Pests of Florists cineraria Grown in Protected Land

  18. 葡萄大棚保护地栽培

    Cultivation of grape in protected land of shed

  19. 昆明地区保护地栽培温湿度因子与香石竹锈病的关系

    The Relationship between Temperature , Humidity in Protected Land and Carnation Rust in Kunming District

  20. 保护地栽培土壤硝酸盐积累对辣椒生长和锰含量的影响

    Effects of nitrate accumulation of soil on growth and manganese concentration of pepper in Protected Cultivation

  21. 保护地栽培专用鲜食小果型番茄新品种‘冀东216’

    A New Fresh-eating Small Tomato Variety'Jidong 216 ' Small . Study on Preserved Small - tomato

  22. 保护地栽培中,AM真菌修复连作退化土壤和生物防治土传病害潜力巨大。

    AM fungi have huge potential for both soil bioremediation and biological control of soil borne diseases .

  23. 适应市场经济需要强化经济效益分析&改进《蔬菜保护地栽培学》教学的探讨

    Strengthen Benefit Analysis and Adapt to Market Economy ── Discussion on the Teaching Reform of the Course-Vegetable Protected Cultivation

  24. 节能日光温室是适合我国华北和西北大部分地区采用的具有中国特色的新型保护地栽培设施。

    The energy-saving heliogreenhouse is a new type of protected culture installation suitable for most of north and northwest China .

  25. 上海地区春季西瓜保护地栽培适宜方式及蔓叶生长规律

    Study on suitable planting modes of watermelon in plastic shed and growth rhythm of leaf and stem in Shanghai regions

  26. 温室是保护地栽培的主要设施,体现了一个国家设施农业的发展水平。

    The greenhouse is the main facility of the protectorate cultivation , it manifests the national level of the facility agriculture development .

  27. 在东北地区特别在黑龙江省,甜叶菊的育苗工作最好采用保护地栽培的方法;

    In northeast of China , especially in Heilongjiang province , the best method to grow seedling for Stevia Rebaudania was protective cultivation .

  28. 茎尖产量22.5t/hm2以上,适合大田和保护地栽培。

    The yield of sweet potato tips is more than 22.5 t / hm2.It is suitable to be planted in field and protective area .

  29. 渗灌在保护地栽培、荒漠化治理、盐碱地改良、城镇绿化等领域有广阔的应用前景。

    Seeping irrigation will be mostly used for dependency cultivation , desertification control , improvement of saline soil , and city virescence in the future .

  30. 从品种选择、土壤选择、定植、栽培管理等方面,介绍了大棚保护地栽培葡萄的方法。

    Cultivation techniques of grape in protected land of shed were introduced , including variety and soil selection , seedling transplant , field management , etc.