
  • 网络Health Sports;health and physical education
  1. 文章运用文献资料法从历史的角度、现实的需要辩证地提出了2l世纪西方竞技体育文化将与中国武术保健体育文化融合,分析这二种不同文化融合的哲学原因和现实原因。

    Adopting documentation and from the angle of history and need of reality , this paper proposes that the 21st century western competitive sport culture will give way to the western health preservation sport culture and analyzes the reasons from aspects of philosophy and reality .

  2. 高校保健体育教学内容的设置与实践

    Keep-fit PE Teaching Contents Offered and Practice In Colleges and Universities

  3. 论传统保健体育与预防医学

    Discussion on the relationship between traditional health maintenance gymnastics and prophylactic medicine

  4. 高校保健体育与心理健康教育相结合的教学方式探讨

    College Education and Mental Health Care PE Teaching Mode Combined

  5. 道教养生保健体育研究

    On Taoist Keeping in Good Health and Health Care Sports

  6. 中国体育与健康课程与日本保健体育课程目标的比较分析

    Comparison of P.E and Health Courses between China and Japan

  7. 试论中国传统保健体育与高校体育教学

    The Chinese Traditional Health Sports and Athletics Teaching in Universities & colleges

  8. 谈传统保健体育与大学生体育课

    On Traditional Health Sports Courses and College Sports Courses

  9. 简论我国保健体育的发展趋势

    Developing tendency of the Chinese health - keeping sports

  10. 高职医学院学生对养生保健体育教学评价的调查研究

    Higher Medical Students Studying Health Care Research Courses Sports

  11. 关于高校开设保健体育课的构想

    Conception of Setting up Course of Health Care in Physical Education in Colleges

  12. 高校《保健体育课》教学的可行性研究

    On Possibility of Teaching Keep-fit Physical Education in College

  13. 高校保健体育课实施分层次教学的研究

    Health care PE of multiple levels in colleges

  14. 运动处方与保健体育课的教学研究

    Sport Rx & Sanitarian PE Lessons Coaching Research

  15. 试析中国传统保健体育在高校发展的重要性

    Attempted Analysis on the Importance of Chinese Traditional Health Care in the College Development

  16. 中国传统保健体育运动的中医学思考

    Thinking about Traditional Chinese Medicine in Health Sports

  17. 传统保健体育课体育能力考核方式的效果分析

    Analysis of Effect on the Examining Mode of PE Abilities for Traditional PE Classes of Health Protection

  18. 保健体育课是针对高校中弱病伤残学生开设的一门“健康体育”课程。

    The course of health care is set up for the weak and disable students in colleges .

  19. 传统保健体育运动在中医药院校体育教学中的运用中国医疗保健推拿图谱

    Application of Traditional Health Care Athletics in Teaching Physical Education ; Atlas of Therapeutic Motion for Treatment and Health

  20. 所以,传统保健体育对人的健康及终身体育的影响意义深远。

    In some sense , the traditional keep-fit exercises have great significance on people 's health and man 's lifelong physical exercises .

  21. 采用文献资料和因素分析的方法,探讨了20世纪90年代末期以来日本保健体育课程改革的背景,分析了新修指导要领的特点,并对保健体育课程改革的特征进行了全面深入的剖析。

    Background of reform of the Japanese health keeping courses since the 1990s and key points of Outline for Learning were studied .

  22. 健美操选项课对大学生心理素质的影响高校保健体育课与心理健康教育的研究

    Influence of the Optional Course " Calisthenics " on the Psychology of College Students ; Reasonable Thought of University Healthcare P.E. Course and Psychological Health Education

  23. 预防医学专业开设设计性实验的实践与思考论传统保健体育与预防医学

    Practice and Thinking of the Designing Experiments Performed by College Students in Preventive Medical Speciality Discussion on the relationship between traditional health maintenance gymnastics and prophylactic medicine

  24. 传统保健体育的内容丰富、形式多样,不同的项目有着不同的动作结构、技术要求、风格特点与运动量;

    Traditional health sports have its rich contents and various forms , different game having different sports structure , different technique demands , different style and sports quantity .

  25. 本文提出了开设保健体育课的构想,并就教学的内容实施和考核评价进行了阐述。

    This article offers some conceptions on the setting up of the course of health care , and makes an exposition of the implementation and evaluation of the teaching contents .

  26. 高校对部分身体异常和病、残、弱等特殊群体的学生开设保健体育课已成为学校体育教育的组成部分。

    Ordinary university for part of the body , and disease , and other special groups of students'weak opening the health care PE education has become a part of the school sports .

  27. 依据道教养生保健体育对人体本征系统的认知及其修炼的理论学说,揭示了道教养生保健体育炼养的基本原则。

    According to copies of evidence systematic cognition and theory of practicing of Taoism health care sports to the human body , the basic principle of Taoism health care sports smelt is raised .

  28. 大学生根据个人的爱好开展以竞技体育,传统保健体育,现代健身体育和娱乐体育为内容的体育文化活动,不仅丰富了课余文化生活,而且营造了高校特有的校园体育文化氛围。

    Based on their taste students engage in sport , traditional sport and amuse sport , not only enrich their culture living , but also build special physical education culture atmosphere in university campus .

  29. 此外,康定由于特殊的地理环境,具有丰富的温泉资源和高山资源,为康定保健体育和户外登山探险创造了条件。

    In addition , Kangding has lavish resources of hot springs and high mountains from the special gifts of local geographic environment , making it a good choice of health care and mountain-climbing sports .

  30. 传统保健体育与预防医学关系密切,预防医学是传统保健体育的理论基础,传统保健体育贯穿于预防医学的各级预防之中。

    Traditional health maintenance gymnastics is close to prophylactic medicine , and the later is the theory base of the former . It is necessary to keep traditional health maintenance gymnastics in all respects of prophylaxis .