
xīn zhì
  • new system;brand-new;bran-new
新制 [xīn zhì]
  • [new system] 新制度

新制[xīn zhì]
  1. 一种用于蛋白质C端序列测定的脯氨酸乙内酰硫脲(TH-Pro)新制备方法

    An Efficient and Convenient Approach to Prepare Proline Thiohydantoin for Development of C terminal Sequencing

  2. 新制备的新鲜酸奶含有109个g菌。

    Freshly prepared yogurt contains 109 bacteria per gram .

  3. 新制的CA为淡黄色粉末,易溶解于水和酸性溶液,碱性溶液中难溶。

    The newly produced product is faint yellow powder , soluble in water and acid solution and insoluble in alkaline solution .

  4. 采用新制备的Cu2O和Al(OH)3为反应原料,利用水热-分解法制备了p型半导体CuAlO2纳米晶。

    P-type semiconductor of CuAlO_2 nanocrystals were synthesized by the hydrothermal-decomposition using newly prepared Cu_2O and Al ( OH ) _3 as reactants .

  5. 这种新制的PLGA具有孔隙率高、连结性好的特点,有利于神经营养因子的进入,与神经营养因子发挥协同作用,能够更好地促进脊髓损伤的修复。

    This manufactured PLGA was characterized as high porosity and good interconnection , thus easy for the neurotrophins entering .

  6. 描述了采用密胺树脂和硼酸锌连续双层包覆微胶囊化红磷(MRP)的最新制备方法。

    Microcapsulated red phosphorus ( MRP ) coated with melamine-formaldehyde resin and zinc borate was prepared and characterized by FTIR , XPS and TEM .

  7. 通过分析Si2p和O1s芯能级谱可以得到以下结论:新制备的多孔硅表面只有少量的O和F存在,其中氧是以OH-形式存在,它的形成与清洗过程中F-被OH-取代有关。

    The fresh PS surface has only trace O and F , O exists in the form of OH - , which is related to replacement of F - with OH - in cleaning process .

  8. 用中和滴定法测定OH-浓度,相对标准偏差0.14%,计算出新制Ca(OH)2溶度积4.07×10-5,结果令人满意。

    Hydroxide ion concentration was determined by neutralizing titration method . The RSD for OH - was 0.14 % . The solubility product of calcium hydroxide was 4.07 × 10 - 5 and the result was satisfactory .

  9. 有趣的是AMD的制程发展规律也与摩尔定律相契合,他们总是会在Intel推出新制程技术的同年晚些时候推出自己的新制程技术。

    AMD has also stayed on track with Moore 's law for the past tech nodes , introducing new processes during the same year but usually later than Intel .

  10. 结果表明,老制曲车间多年富集的微生物数量明显高于新制曲车间,其中曲药库房空气和远离制曲车间50m左右大环境空气中的霉菌、细菌和酵母菌数量差异均达到显著水平;

    The results are as follows : The quantity of aerial microbe accumulated for years in the old workshops is obviously higher than that in the new workshops .

  11. 利用Nafion将新制备的纳米氧化亚铜固定在玻碳电极表面,研究了纳米氧化亚铜的电化学性质。

    Using Nafion as glue , the newly prepared nano-cuprous oxide whisker was fixed up on the surface of glassy carbon electrode , the electrochemical properties of nano-cuprous oxide were investigated .

  12. 本文阐述了新制SS4型八轴货运电力机车样车的电气线路。

    The article expounds the electric circuit of the prototype of SS4 locomotive of8-axle for freight traffic .

  13. 综合分析了颗粒增强Fe-C功能复合材料研究领域的现状,介绍了颗粒增强Fe-C功能复合材料的最新制备技术,并对它的研究发展做了展望。

    Research situation of particle reinforced Fe-C functionally composites have been analyzed comprehensively in the papers . Up-to-date manufacturing technique and prospect of partially-reinforced Fe-C functionally composites have been also introduced .

  14. 目的分析新制备的HER2靶向硼脂质体在细胞靶向、滞留及细胞内分布等方面的特性,探讨该脂质体作为靶向给药系统用于硼中子俘获治疗研究的可能性。

    Objective To investigate HER-2 targeting boron liposomes as a potential drug delivery vehicle for boron neutron capture therapy , in respect to cellular uptake , retention and the subcellular location .

  15. 新制备的催化剂循环使用3次(6h)后活性趋于稳定,活性稳定的催化剂的寿命长于63h。

    The activity of freshly prepared catalyst was stable after being repeatedly used for 3 times ( 6 h ), and in further runs its lifetime was longer than 63 h.

  16. 采用新制备技术&熔盐法成功地制备了PZT-PMS-PZN四元系压电陶瓷材料。

    Piezoelectric powders and ceramics with the composition of PZT-PMS-PZN were prepared successfully by Molten Salt Synthesis ( MSS ) method .

  17. 以这种CNTs组装体为预制体,向其中浸渍入树脂形成CNTs/BMI树脂复合材料,是本论文提出的不同于传统制备方法的CNTs/BMI复合材料的新制备思路。

    Then , Use this CNTs assembly as a preform , followed by infiltrating resins into it to prepare CNTs / BMI composites . And this is a new scheme for CNTs-based composite preparation proposed by us in this thesis , which is different from the traditional preparation methods .

  18. 通过对新制备的H-Si(111)表面和一系列烯烃分子修饰的硅表面/电解液界面的微分电容的研究,建立了硅表面有机膜结构和性质与界面电容之间的联系。

    By means of the investigation of differential capacity of a series of alkenes-modified silicon surfaces and H-Si ( 111 ) / electrolyte interfaces , we have established the relationship between the structure of the organic monolayers on silicon surfaces and their interface differential capacity .

  19. 新制茶叶白毫披身,芽尖峰芒。

    The new tea utensils reflected body , bud peak mans .

  20. 你对「新制」有没有提出过任何改善意见?

    Have you ever made any suggestions to improve the NPRS ?

  21. HSV-Ⅰ亚单位疫苗新制备方法的初步探讨

    The Primary Study of New Preparation Method of HSV-1 Subunit Vaccine

  22. 高介电性能绝缘材料新制备方法的研究

    Developments of New Preparation Method for Insulation Material with High Dielectric Properties

  23. 催化氢转移反应&胺类化合物新制备法的研究

    Catalytic hydrogen transfer reaction & new preparative methods for amines

  24. 你认为大学给予你有不转入「新制」的选择权吗?

    Have you ever been given a choice not to join NPRS ?

  25. 无水碘化锂的新制法

    A new method for the preparation of anhydrous lithium iodide

  26. 刘师傅正在操作一台新制的气焊机。

    Liu master is operating the gas welding machine of the new system .

  27. 金属复合粉末的新制法

    A new preparation method for composite powder of metal

  28. 本论文研究一个新制程良率预测的问题。

    This thesis researches a problem about forecasting yield in new manufacturing process .

  29. 软磁铁氧体新制备技术

    The new manufacturing techniques of magnetic soft ferrites

  30. 新制分子筛干燥器的重点质量控制

    Quality Control of Molecular Sieve Dryers Manufacture