
  • 网络Neo-Taoism
  1. 当代新道家研究述评

    Appraising the Research of Contemporary Neo-Taoism

  2. 当代新道家之我见

    On the Contemporary Neo-Taoism

  3. 所有这些思想都是当代新道家所应该发扬的。

    All these ideas should be absorbed by contemporary Neo-Taoists .

  4. 建立当代新道家学说,是时代的需要。

    It is quite necessary in the contemporary times to establish the Neo - Taoism .

  5. 林语堂与新道家

    Lin Yutang and Neo - Taoism

  6. 三要对当代新道家在未来世界文化中的地位进行合理定位。

    The third is to have a proper definition of the position of Daoism in the future .

  7. 当代新道家的伦理价值观

    Contemporary Neo-Taoist Ethical Values

  8. 时空观以及物质间存在的隐秘联系。当代新道家和人体科学研究可以看作是对这种趋同性的两种不同思路的反应。

    The modem Neo-Taoist school and the scientific reserch of the human body are two different responses to such parallels .

  9. 新道家对老子社会思想的修正与发展&兼析韦伯有关道家理性之论断

    The Revision and Development of LaoZi 's Social Thought by the New-Taoist & Concurrent Analysis on Weber 's Conclusion on Taoist Ethic

  10. 西汉中期以前,新道家和儒家思想主导地位的先后确立导致了隐逸陷入低潮;

    Prior to mid-Western Han Dynasty , the HuangLao ( Taoism ) 's thought and the pragmatism of Confucianism discouraged the hermit ethos .

  11. 历史与现实&从道家文化的历史诸形态看当代新道家的学术定位及其相关问题

    History and Reality : An Insight into the Scientific Orientation of Contemporary Neo-Daoism and the Problems Concerned Through the Historical Forms of Taoist Culture

  12. 同时,在当代新道家的未来发展中,还应该注意以下三个方面的问题:一要坚持道家思想的本质特征;

    Simultaneously , in the process of its development in the future , we must note the following three aspects : the first is to stick to the essence of daoism ;

  13. 西汉前中期,新道家思想和儒家思想先后确立了政治上的主导地位,政治文化中强烈的进取意识风靡,隐逸文化陷入低潮。

    In the early and middle period of the Western Han Dynasty , as the new Taoism and Confucianism successively established their political dominance , the aggressive political culture pervaded the whole society .

  14. 阐扬新道家之学理与精神,营建新道家学派,是21世纪承接民族文化、争取民族生存的一项重要工作。

    This paper argues that it is an important task to promote our national culture in developing the knowledge and spirit of Contemporary Neo-Daoism and constructing a school of Contemporary New Daoism in the 21 Century .

  15. 当代新道家的伦理价值学说,应当是古代道家伦理思想优良传统的直接继承与发扬,也是从当前社会实际需要出发,对道家伦理思想的一次新诠释。

    The doctrine of contemporary Neo-Taoist ethical values is an inheritance and expansion of ancient Taoist ethical thoughts . This can be seen as a new interpretation for Taoist ethical thoughts , for which Lao Zi is the representative .

  16. 作为新道家代表作之一,《淮南子》以道法自然为基本原理,将其落实到生活领域就是质朴无欲的个人修养论,运用到政治领域就是无为而治之道。

    Taoist theory of the Imitation of Nature as a new point and principle , be implemented in areas of life is " simple no desire " on the personal cultivation , applied to the political sphere is the " inaction " .

  17. 新的道家思想形成了沈从文独特的文化心理结构,其中静的捕捉和美丽总使人忧愁的风格尤为醒目。

    The new Taoist ideology forms his peculiar cultural , psychological structure in which capturing " stillness " and expressing that " beauty always makes people sad " are especially prominent .

  18. 本文旨在通过对新儒家与新道家的比较研究,表明两家在现代情境下的差异仍然是显著的。

    This essay makes a comparison between the doctrines of them and shows that both schools have a great difference even under modern conditions .

  19. 若从广义的中国哲学创造性转化来看,当代新儒家,当代新道家,综创家都为此做了巨大的贡献,但是在中国哲学的大众实践模块他们的影响却是有限的。

    If a broad creative transformation of Chinese philosophical point of view , Contemporary New Confucianism , Contemporary New Daoism and Comprehensive Innovations School have done a great contribution , but in the Chinese philosophy of their impact on the public practice module indeed limited .