
  1. 奢侈:中国酒的新蓝海

    Luxury : the New Blue Ocean of Chinese Drink

  2. 现代服务业&宽带无线移动互联网新的蓝海

    Modern Service-The New Blue Ocean of Wideband Wireless Mobile Internet

  3. 作为工业识别技术领域的领导厂商,如何在这种超竞争环境下,保持自身的竞争优势,并不断开拓业务发展的新的蓝海,实现公司提出的数一、数二的目标。

    As a leader in Identification technology , how to keep their competitive advantage and develop new business in this competitive environment .

  4. 合作同盟出师不利,换言之,仅拥有技术和电子产品的品牌影响力,还不足以创造一个新的蓝海市场。

    Collaboration is affined unsuccessful , change character , have the brand force of technology and electronic product only , still can 't create a new blue sea market .

  5. 物流金融的引入,解决了我国中小企业融资难、银行放贷难的市场现状,为整个中国金融市场和物流市场开辟了一片新的蓝海。

    Logistics finance not only solves the contradiction between banks and SMEs ( small and medium enterprises ) about financing , but also develops a blue ocean for financial market and logistics market .

  6. 企业人力资源战略的新选择&蓝海战略

    Blue Ocean Strategy is the New Choice of Enterprise Human Resource Strategy