
  • 【电力】power supply cost
  1. 热电联产项目供热、供电成本分摊机制的研究

    Cost study of heat supply and electricity supply of cogeneration project

  2. 火电机组能耗-供电成本动态模型研究

    The study of Thermal power generator energy consumption-electricity Cost dynamic model

  3. 以最小供电成本为目标的配电网络重构

    Distribution Network Reconfiguration for Minimum Electric Power Supply Cost

  4. 客观地反映供电成本包括环境污染的外部成本,谁污染,谁承担;

    Truly reflecting all costs including environment cost as well as other outside costs , who make pollution who pays ;

  5. 在包括环境成本的实际供电成本基础上,建立电源结构优化模型,确定电网中各类机组的合理容量。

    Based on the actual power supply costs , the optimization model of power structure is established is established to determine the rational capacities for different power units .

  6. 在现阶段电价体系中,是采用反映供电成本还是交叉补贴的销售电价定价模式需要从经济效益和社会福利方面进行深入研究。

    The formula indicates that there is a natural cross subsidization in the services pricing of telecommunication industry , and unpuzzles some dilemmas of telecommunication industry development nowadays .

  7. 本文以联动电价为研究对象,针对高耗能用户,考虑电力公司供电成本的基础上,提出了联动电价措施。

    Linkage price for the high dissipative energy user is proposed as the result of study on electricity price , which is base on power supply cost of power corporation .

  8. 担负基本负荷的水电站方案和燃煤火电站方案供电成本最低;

    The power supply cost of hydraulic power plant for base load is lowest , hydraulic power plant for peak load and coal-fired power plant next , nuclear power plant highest .

  9. 电力企业经营制度改革、供电成本与环境成本在电价中的体现、售电端的市场化等是改革的关键手段。

    System reform of electric power enterprises , the embodiment of electricity transmission cost and circumstance cost and market-orientation reform in electric selling market are key means of the mechanism reform .

  10. 摘要分时电价能在很短的时段更新供电成本的信息,为电厂提供优化发电功率的依据。

    Time segment pricing of electricity can refresh the information of electric distribution cost in a very short time , and provids the basis for optimizing power generating to the power plant .

  11. 近年来,作为国际公认的清洁可再生能源,中小水电由于其具有规模小,投资少,见效快,无污染,发供电成本低,能改善农村电源结构等优点而得到快速发展。

    Recently the medium and small hydropower is developed rapidly because of its little scale , less investment , quick effect , non-pollution , and relatively low cost , recognized internationally as a clean renewable energy .

  12. 在电力市场条件下,电力系统日有功调度已由单纯的电能供需平衡分配过渡到以追求全网总供电成本最小、寻求用户电价最低为目标。

    Under electricity market condition , the object of daily optimal economic dispatch of electric power system has changed from pure electric power balance between supply and consumption into minimal total network cost and lowest electric price .

  13. 在满足电网中调要求的同时优化分配机组的发电负荷,最大限度地降低煤耗,对发电企业降低供电成本、增加竞争力具有十分重要的意义。

    Optimal load distribution for power plants with the aim of minimizing the coal consumption while meeting the demand by the electric power dispatching center is significant in reducing power supply cost and increasing the competence of power plants .

  14. 随着现阶段电力需求的增大,电量损失越来越大,文中从管理上、技术上论述了如何加强线损管理,以降低供电成本,提高经济效益。

    Along with the demanding of the electric power aggrandizement now , the electricity quantity lose more and more greatly , the article discusses how to strengthen the circuit loss management from management and technique aspect , to low the power supply cost , and raise the economic performance .

  15. 目前星敏感器应用的标准图像传感器是CCD,然而传统的CCD星敏感器集成度低、外围支持电路复杂、多电压供电、成本高等缺点已越来越难以满足航天器发展的需求。

    Now normal image sensor of star sensor is CCD , but because traditional CCD star sensor has low integration level , complicated support circuits , multi-voltage power supply and high price , it can not reach the requests of space probe .

  16. 设计了供电公司成本控制实施过程模型。

    The power supply company cost control implementation process model is design .

  17. 城市小区供电营销成本膨胀问题的分析探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Power Supply Sale-cost Expansion for City ′ s Districts

  18. 划分了供电公司成本控制的作业类型。

    The types of operation were divided cost control of the power supply company .

  19. 线损管理是供电企业成本管理的一项重要内容。

    Management line loss is an important element in cost management of power supply enterprise .

  20. 重点探索了水平对比法在供电公司成本控制中的应用。

    It was principally explored benchmarking application of cost control in a power supply company .

  21. 并对供电企业成本构成和电力商品定价基本理论进行阐述。

    It explains Cost of the power grid cost and the basically electricity commodity pricing structure theories .

  22. 地区供电公司成本管理困境的解析&基于资产专用性的思考

    The analysis of plight of cost management about regional power supply company & based on consideration of asset specificity

  23. 将岸电通过海底电缆供电,成本花费巨大,对养殖业户来说得不偿失。采用柴油机或汽油机提供动力是一种在短期内行之有效的方法。

    Pass shore electricity bottom of sea electric cable power supply , the cost is huge , to farming industry to say that lose more than gain .

  24. 供电公司成本控制的关键是工程成本的控制,其次是生产成本和资金成本的控制。

    The key of a power supply company cost control is project cost control , the second is the control of the production cost and capital cost .

  25. 这座珠峰移动基站完全由太阳能供电,成本大约是普通地区建站费用的4倍。

    The Everest mobile base station , which costs about four times as much as a mobile base station in less challenging terrain , is entirely powered by solar energy .

  26. 试验结果表明,这种变换器具有电路拓扑简单、功率密度高、变换效率高、功率因数高、不间断供电、成本低等优点。

    Test results demonstrated that the converter has the advantages of simple topology , high power density , high conversion efficiency , high power factor , uninterruptible power supply , low cost .

  27. 在电力系统中,输电、变电、配电和营销各环节中都会产生电能损耗和损失,如何对线损进行管理,是供电企业成本管理的一项重要内容。

    The line loss of power network is caused in every step in the process of transmission , distribution , and utilization of electrical energy . Management line loss is an important element in cost of power supply enterprise .

  28. 由太阳能供电,而成本的多少仅取决于原材料。

    powered by sunlight , more or less for the cost of raw materials .

  29. 将不平衡供电引起的成本进行合理的补偿,使之达到成本平衡。

    The cost which arises from the unbalanced power supply will be reasonably compensated , to reach the balanced cost .

  30. 无线传感器网络节点的软硬件资源非常有限,并且往往是通过电池供电,其成本和能耗是设计时所必须考虑的关键因素。

    Both software and hardware resourses are limited in WSN nodes . Besides , the power is always suppled by buttery in WSN nodes . Thus , cost and energy consumption must be taken into account .