
  • 网络Dual-network;twin-wire
  1. 双面信封纸:通常是由双网造纸机造成。一面是白色,另一面是其他颜色,以增加不透明度。

    Duplex envelope paper : Generally made by twin-wire , with a colour on one side and white on the other , to improve opacity .

  2. 随着现代造纸工业中高速纸机、双网成形、封闭白水系统、废纸利用和中性造纸等新技术的发展,造纸湿部化学领域的研究与应用取得了令人瞩目的进展。

    The chemistry of the wet-end is changing in response to modern papermaking , i. e , fast machines , twin-wire forming , closed white water system , recycled fibre and the move to neutral or alkaline sizing system .

  3. 双网实时切换的以太网控制器IP核

    Ethernet-controllers IP Core with Real-time Switch between Net

  4. 双网冗余DCS通讯系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Redundant Dual-network DCS Communication Systems

  5. 它是一个独立于具体DCS的通信子系统,具有双网冗余功能,可以进行动态的信道切换。

    It is a DCS-independent communication sub-system with dual-network-redundancy and dynamic channel switching capacity .

  6. 基于双网传输的多媒体CAI课件设计策略

    On strategy of design of multimedia CAI courseware based on CATV network and telecom network broadcasting

  7. 目前非线性编辑网在节目制作和播出中已较常见,大都采用成本较高的FC与以太网结合的双网结构。

    Nonlinear edit network in the programming and broadcasting has been very familiar .

  8. 其中重点介绍了PLC的硬件组成及软件结构,并对PLC的双网冗余控制做了说明。

    It mainly ( introduced ) the composing of hardware and the configuration of software , and it explained how PLC realizes the function of double-network redundance .

  9. 现场总线及RTU的双网结构

    Field Bus & RTU Double Network Structure

  10. 串口转WiFi/GPRS数据双网模块是串口设备连接WiFi和GPRS网络的有效设备,具有较好的应用前景。

    Converted WiFi / GPRS data dual-Netcom Module is an efficiency serial interface device of connecting WiFi and GPRS network , which is endowed with promising future .

  11. PRP采用双网并行传输,在接收端处理冗余报文的方式实现传输网冗余,理论上不丢失数据包。

    PRP uses parallel transmission network and handles the duplicated packets in the receiving end devices , which is against packet loss in theory .

  12. 在双网架构的变电站SCADA系统中,双服务器的双网交叉故障情况下系统如何工作是另一个难点问题。

    In the dual network architecture of the substation SCADA system , how to make the system work correctly is also a problem when the dual-server 's networks fail alternately .

  13. 考虑双网的处理能力和负载情况不同,该文又提出了动态自适应的Hash算法,可以根据负载情况动态地在双网之间均衡流量。

    Taking into account the difference of process ability and load of dual-network , a dynamic self-adaptive Hash algorithm is brought forward to balance flow in dual-network according to process ability and real-time load .

  14. 而进一步提出的多网协同、统一承载、双网分离等思路,则可应用于将来的PTN网络规划和建设。

    Further proposed multi-network collaboration , unified bearer , the sepa-ration of dual-network thinking can be applied to future PTN planning and construction .

  15. 在局域网中,1553B总线网络采用主从方式的双总线控制器(BC),以太网采用具有容错的双网双冗余结构,进一步提高了系统可靠性;

    In LAN , 1553B bus network adopts double BC which are designed as principal and subordinate , and Ethernet adopts fault tolerant structure with double network and double redundancy , prompts the system reliability ;

  16. 提出了用双网结构的控制策略对加工过程进行控制,NNI网络实现加工过程的系统辨识,进行在线建模;

    The control strategy of machining process using two neural networks is presented . The neural network identifier ( NNI ) is used to implement system identification and to model the cutting process on-line .

  17. 但是,由于900M和1800M两个网层独立组网,因此MSC的系统负荷、局间信令负荷较高,在双网间切换时,用户感受信号质量差。

    900M and 1800M net layers were combining net independently , so that the system 's charge of MSC and the information command 's charge among bureau . When two nets switched , the user would fill the signal was bad .

  18. 单梁双网自清理振筛的应用

    Application of Self-Cleaning Vibration Screen with Single Beam and Double Screen

  19. 有线/无线双网安防报警系统建设的研究

    Research on wired / wireless di-network security and alarm system

  20. 双网洗浆机纸浆浓缩过程中的脱水分析

    Dewatering Analysis of Twin Wire Press in Pulp Concentrating Process

  21. 双网传真机中网络传真模块的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of IP fax module of dual-network fax

  22. 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。

    Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes .

  23. 带双网口的开关量采集模块的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of collecting module for switched input within double network interface

  24. 一双短袜探索实现一机双网的方法

    Exploration of How to Realize One-computer with Double Network

  25. 双网融合(PSTN+ADSL/IP)可视电话平台设计

    Design of Dual-network Integration ( pstn + adsl / ip ) Video-phone Platform

  26. 小型局域网中工作站之间的双网容错通信

    Double-network Fault-tolerant Communication Between Workstations in a LAN

  27. 为我的儿子买一双网球鞋。

    A pair of sneakers for my son .

  28. 双网分流的路由策略

    Routing Policy of Twain - network Diffluence

  29. 双网冗余的负载均衡算法研究

    Research on Load Balancing Algorithm in Dual-network

  30. 阿迪达斯生产他们的第一双网球鞋。

    Adidas produces its first tennis shoe .