
  • 网络double certificate system
  1. 双证书制度&高职教育发展的新思路

    Double certificate system & new concept of development of the higher vocational education

  2. 高等职业教育实行双证书制度,是高等职业教育自身的特性和社会的需要。

    Because of the self-identity and social needs , the higher vocational education practices the double certificate system .

  3. 论双证书制度的现状与对策

    On Present Situation and Countermeasure About the System of Two Certification

  4. 高等职业教育双证书制度的研究与实践

    Study and Practice of Double Certification System in Higher Vocational Education

  5. 行业高职院校实施双证书制度的实践与探索

    Practice and Reflections of Promoting Double-Certificates System in Higher Vocational Institutes

  6. 大力推行双证书制度提高学生就业能力

    Carrying out the Double-certificate System to Improve the Employment Ability of Students

  7. 以双证书制度为切入点,加快培养高技能人才;

    Making use of Dual-certificate , quicken the cultivation of higher professional talent .

  8. 双证书制度与高职院校的教学改革

    Double-Certificate System and Teaching Reform of Higher Vocational Education

  9. 高职院校政治理论课的改革与双证书制度的实施

    Reform of political teaching and practice of two certificates system in vocational colleges

  10. 高职国际贸易类专业双证书制度的实施路径

    The Practice of " Dual Certificate " System for International Trade Specialities of Higher Vocational Education

  11. 推行双证书制度提升高职学生就业竞争力双证融通:职教与就业对接的重要举措&以广州民航职业技术学院为例

    Carrying out " double certificates " system to improve the employment competence of students at higher vocational colleges

  12. 有利于以就业为导向的培养目标的实现及高职院校双证书制度的落实;

    Is favourable to realize the cultivation objective with the employment as the direction and the two certificate system ;

  13. 以实践为中心,理论联系实际,理论与实践相结合,推行双证书制度;

    It is centered on practice , theory associating and combining practice , carrying out the system of " double certificates " .

  14. 五年制高职中药专业化学实验校本教材开发我校高职中药专业实行双证书制度的探索

    Development of Chemistry Experiment Teaching Material of Our Own School Used for Five-year High-graded Professional Pharmacology ; Dual certification system in high vocational college

  15. 本文重点讨论了旅游高等职业教育实行双证书制度面临的一系列问题及对策。双证书制度与高职院校的教学改革

    The problems induced with the dual certifications requirements are discussed and the countermeasures are proposed . Double-Certificate System and Teaching Reform of Higher Vocational Education

  16. 为此,职业院校在教学中要认清形势,努力推行职业资格证书建设,深化教育教学改革,建立以双证书制度为特色的教学保障措施。

    Therefore , the vocational colleges should understand the whole situation in their teaching , pushing the construction of vocational qualification certificate and deepening educational teaching reform , featured by dual-certificate system .

  17. 双证书制度是我国目前高等职业教育的一种理想培养模式,但是我国政府、企业、高校对这种制度的实施还存在许多问题。

    The system of two certifications is one of the most perfect model on higher vocational education in China at present , but a great deal of problems governments , corporations and colleges .

  18. 但双证书制度在实施上却存在一些问题,各专业如何对口社会需求以及实施哪几个相应的职业资格培养还在摸索。

    But the double certificate system actually has some problems in the implementation . How to fit social demand as well as implement corresponding professional qualifications for each specialty also needs to find out .

  19. 实验成绩评定,建设具有应用性人才培养特点的专业理论和实践教材,完善双证书制度等措施进一步确保人才培养目标的实现。

    Through reforming practical teaching content , teaching method , way of practice teaching , evaluating the experimental results , building professional theories and practical textbooks and proving the dual-certificate regulations to make sure that the aim to cultivate the talented persons will come true .

  20. 实施“双证书”制度促进制造业高技能人才的培养

    Implementing Double Certificates Scheme to Promote the Cultivation of Skilled Personnel in Manufacture Industry

  21. 学院推行“双证书”制度,推进实践训练与职业技能鉴定的接轨。

    It carries out " Practice leading , Ability based and College-Enterprise Cooperation " training mode combining knowledge , ability and quality .

  22. 从实施“双证书”制度这一角度,阐述了我院数控技术专业人才培养体系、教学模式改革的研究、实践与探索。

    This paper expounds the " double-certificate " program and the talent cultivations system for NC majors , and relevant teaching reform research and practices .

  23. 高职教育实行“双证书”制度,在我国劳动就业制度和教育教学改革中显得越来越重要。

    In the reforms of labor and education in China , it is more and more important to carry out double certification system in higher vocational education .

  24. 本文介绍了温州职业技术学院机械工程系在推行“双证书”制度、促进高技能人才的培养方面进行的有益实践和探索。

    This paper discusses the efforts made by the Machinery Engineering Department of Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College in implementing double certificates scheme to promote the cultivation of skilled personnel .

  25. “三证换一证”制度是一种高职学生毕业质量控制制度,是“双证书”制度的延伸。

    The system of three certificates for one diploma is for the control of graduation quality of the students in higher vocational colleges , and is the extension of the double certificate system .

  26. 本文试从课堂教学、实训、师资培养及“双证书”教育制度等方面探讨学生职业能力培养的新途径。

    This paper from classroom teaching , training , teacher training and the " double certificates " of the education system so students new ways of professional ability .

  27. 在具体的培养中,要加强双师型教师队伍和实训基地的建设,以双证书制度为导向。

    In material cultivation , the construction of " dual-qualification " teaching staff and practice training base should be strengthened ," dual-certificate " system should be the orientation .