
  • 网络mobile develop;Mobile Development Tools
  1. ChrisKing是一位软件工程师,擅长移动开发。

    Chris King is a software engineer specializing in mobile development .

  2. 基于Eclipse的JavaME移动开发

    Mobile development of Java ME based on eclipse

  3. 此次比赛的主题是SAP移动开发挑战。

    Competition topic for this year is SAP Mobile Development Challenge .

  4. Android平台是一个开源移动开发平台。

    The Android platform is an open source mobile development platform .

  5. 特别在目前手机移动开发上,Java技术提供给用户多种应用服务,所以发展空间比较大。

    Especially in the mobile phone development , the Java technique offers the users many kinds of application services .

  6. 你可以在InfoQ上找到更多关于移动开发的内容!

    You can find more information on Mobile Development right here on InfoQ !

  7. Ionic是一个高性能的移动开发框架,它包含大量移动优化的组件,可帮助您快速构建富有吸引力的、容易使用的移动应用程序。

    Ionic is a high-performance mobile development framework that contains a host of mobile-optimized components to help you quickly build attractive and easy-to-use mobile applications .

  8. mobl不仅仅是针对移动开发的DSL。

    Mobl is not the only DSL for mobile development .

  9. 考虑使用SproutCore进行移动开发时,记住,目前它的许多UI组件并不是为小屏幕设计的。

    When considering using SproutCore for mobile development , remember that many of its UI components are not currently designed for smaller screens .

  10. 从我们移动开发的角度来看,需要消费的WSDL文档通常已经存在,您需要做的仅仅是生成JSR172WSA存根。

    From our mobile development perspective , the WSDL document you want to consume will typically already exist , so all you have to do is generate the JSR172 WSA stubs .

  11. DeviceAnywhere为移动开发生命周期提供完整的解决方案。

    DeviceAnywhere offers complete solutions for the mobile development lifecycle .

  12. 如今iPhone增值服务软件已经涵盖了用户生活、工作和学习的方方面面,因此iPhone增值服务软件的市场巨大、前景良好,其开发技术也成为了移动开发领域的热门和新兴技术。

    Today , the iPhone software covers all aspects of users in life , working and learning . The market of iPhone mobile value-added service software is huge with a good prospect .

  13. 比如说,黑莓现在手机销售量仍然和苹果(Apple)刚推出应用商店(AppStore)时(当时苹果是整个移动开发世界关注的焦点)一样,但是这根本不重要。

    It doesn 't matter , for instance , that BlackBerry is still selling as many handsets as Apple did when it launched the App Store - a time when Apple was the focus of the entire mobile development world .

  14. 您也许对编写手机上运行的Scala感到兴奋,但是并非所有的移动开发编程都应该用Scala或Java语言完成。

    You might be excited to write Scala that runs on your phone , but not all mobile development coding should be done in Scala , or the Java language , for that matter .

  15. 在这个4部分系列的最后一篇文章中,将介绍另一个利用“联网”的方法进行移动开发的项目Sencha。

    In the last article in this four-part series , explore another project that also takes the embrace-the-web approach to mobile , Sencha .

  16. 您可以看到进行移动开发的4种方法。

    You can look at four approaches to mobile application development .

  17. 对于很多开发人员来说,这可能是进行移动开发最直接的方法。

    For many developers , this might be the most immediate way to go mobile .

  18. 一种移动开发中间件的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of mobile-developing middleware

  19. 开放日迎来了四位移动开发和嵌入式系统的专家。

    Four experts on mobile developing and flush type system were present on the opening day .

  20. 对于移动开发人员来说,则更为振奋人心,因为它真正开启了数据的本地高速缓存。

    For mobile developers , it 's even more exciting as it really opens up the local caching of data .

  21. 中间件是一种行之有效的处理分布式异构平台的技术,可用于解决移动开发中碰到的很多问题。

    As an effective technique to handle the diversity of distribute systems , middleware can solve many problems in mobile developing .

  22. 移动开发的第一个变化是改善即用样式表,让它们在小屏幕上看起来也很舒服。

    The first change to the mobile development story is improving the out-of-box style sheets so they look good on small screens .

  23. 81%的调查对象称他们自主开发应用,其中多数表示他们拥有整合的内包网络和移动开发团队。

    81 % of respondents said they insource their development , with the majority saying they have an integrated in-house web and mobile team .

  24. 企业和服务提供商在移动开发工作方面正进行不懈的努力,力求找到开发和部署移动应用程序最经济、最有效的方法。

    Enterprises and services providers with mobile development efforts are continually striving for the most cost-effective and efficient methods for developing and deploying mobile applications .

  25. 在该网站上发布工作的主要是西方公司,根据过往用户的点评,在这些公司看来,乌克兰的网络和移动开发人员价格便宜,响应及时,而且联系方便。

    For the mainly western companies that dole out jobs on the website , Ukrainian web and mobile developers are cheap , responsive and easily assessed based on verified reviews by previous clients .

  26. 服务器开发往往使用脚本语言将不同的组件捆绑在一起并完成复杂的自动化任务,而移动开发主要关注某个特殊设备和用户的特定功能和需求。

    Server development often uses scripting languages to tie together different components and accomplish sophisticated automated tasks , while mobile development focuses on the particular capabilities and needs of a particular device and user .

  27. 尽管您可能会在一些独立线索中找到面向云的会议,但一些线索具有成熟的云开发知识,包括应用程序开发、基础架构和设计、基于模型的系统工程、构建和部署以及移动开发。

    Although you can probably find cloud-oriented sessions in any of the individual tracks , some of the tracks are ripe with cloud development knowledge , including application development , architecture and design , model-based systems engineering , building and deploying , and mobile development .

  28. 在移动web开发中,最重要的一个组件就是地图。

    In mobile web development , one of the more popular components is maps .

  29. 这使得它们对移动Web开发人员很有吸引力,尤其是位置感知应用程序。

    This makes them very attractive to mobile Web developers , especially if you create location-aware applications .

  30. 基于Java语言的移动Agent开发平台

    Mobile Agent development platform based on Java