
shì yìnɡ xìnɡ xínɡ wéi
  • adaptive behavior
  1. 适应性行为的概念至今仍未有统一的观点,AAMR(2002)认为,适应性行为指的是概念、社会和应用3方面的技能,它的限制会影响个体的日常生活运作,进而影响其生活适应。

    The definition of adaptive behavior have not unified yet , AAMR ( 2002 ) suggests that adaptive behavior is the skill of concept , society and use , the constraint of adaptive behavior will influence individual 's daily life , and then life adaption .

  2. 群体动态决策的适应性行为及其内隐学习机制

    Adaptive Behavior and Implicit Learning Mechanism in Dynamic Group Decision Making

  3. 上世纪80年代以来,基于Agent的计算金融学提出:社会经济系统的各种复杂性来源于经济系统中个体(Agent)的适应性行为。

    Since the eighties , the agent-based finance points out that various kinds of complexity of the social economic system stem from the individual 's adaptability exchange behavior .

  4. 金融市场中经纪人相互竞争和适应性行为的物理模型

    A physical model of competition and adaptation amongst agents in the financial market

  5. 聚丙烯光氧老化研究(Ⅱ)&聚丙烯材料环境适应性行为规律

    The Behaviour Rule of Environmental Adaptability on Polypropylene Material

  6. 聚丙烯材料环境适应性行为规律

    The behaviour rule of environmental adaptability on Polypropylene

  7. 交易者的学习适应性行为对股票市场影响的仿真实验研究

    A Simulation Experimental Study of the Traders Adaptive Learning Behavior Effect on the Stock Market

  8. 相应地,这一适应性行为的结果也不利于农村人口城市化。

    Correspondingly , this behavior is not beneficial for the urbanization of the rural residents .

  9. 人群疏散中非适应性行为的研究

    Study on Non-adaptive Behaviors in Crowd Evacuation

  10. 竞争会导致反馈,而反馈又会导致创新的适应性行为。

    Competition will cause feedback ; meanwhile , innovative adaptive behaviors will be caused by feedback .

  11. 在心理学领域,进化心理学采用功能分析的方法分析适应性行为下的心理机制和特征。

    Evolutionary psychology analyses mental mechanism and its characteristics in the adaptive behavior using functional analysis .

  12. 适应性行为与仿真

    Adaptive Behavior and Simulation

  13. 为应对气候变化,超过50%的农户采取了适应性行为措施。

    There are more than 50 % of the farmers who has taken adaptive measures responsing to climate change .

  14. 但在经济体制改革中,农民表现出的不适应性行为与心理更多,既:对市场经济改革的适应程度比较低;

    However , there also exist more unsuitable behaviour and thinking : the fitting degree is small and low ;

  15. 在人工智能领域,采用进化计算和遗传算法探讨人工生命的适应性行为。

    In artificial intelligence field , evolutionary computation and genetic algorithms are adopted to study the adaptive behavior of artificial life .

  16. 适应性行为评估是智力残疾诊断与干预的必要依据。

    Adaptive behavior is attracting more and more attention and have become necessary basis of diagnosis and intervention of mental retardation .

  17. 对适应性行为进行评估的方法主要有测验法、行为观察法、功能性评估、生活质量评估和社会技能测量。

    Approachs of mental retardation assessment include interviews , behavioral observations , functional assessment , quality of life assessment and sociometric techniques .

  18. 列举了芫菁亚科5族13属34种芫菁的性行为,并讨论了雄成虫在形态构造上对求偶和交配行为的适应性行为。

    The specialization of male morphological structures in courtship behavior and mating behavior of 5 tribes , 13 genera , 34 species were discussed .

  19. 市场的非均衡过程、存货调节机制以及经济人的最优行为和适应性行为是基于对现实世界的观察进行模拟的。

    Market disequilibrium processes , inventory adjustment mechanisms , as well as optimal and adaptive behaviors of economic agents are modeled based on real-world observations .

  20. 打破这种恶性循环的唯一方法,是承认其根源适应性行为并设计出具有同样适应性的监管规则,来中和人类本性的影响。

    The only way to break this vicious cycle is to recognise its origin adaptive behaviour and design equally adaptive regulations to counterbalance human nature .

  21. 方法应用病例对照研究原则,对51名听力言语障碍儿童和53名正常儿童进行瑞文智商测验和社会适应性行为的评定。

    Methods In the present case-control study , 51 hearing-speech-impaired children and 53 normal children were investigated using Rui-Wen test and ability of social adaptation scale .

  22. 因此,从企业组织行为的角度来审视技术联盟运作,探讨企业在技术联盟中的适应性行为,对提升企业及产业的竞争力具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of importance to examine the operation of technological alliance and explore the enterprises ' adaptive behaviors in technological alliance from the view of organizational behavior .

  23. 通过调研显示:贫困地区教师适应性行为主要表现在实验教师成了积极的学习者;

    Through research and study , it shows : The adaptive actions of those teachers in poor areas mainly are : The teachers participating in the experiment becoming active learners ;

  24. 生活技能的掌握对于促进智力残疾人适应性行为的发展很有帮助,而青春期则是对生活技能进行系统训练的关键时期。

    The acquisition of life skills is helpful to improve the development of adaptive behavior of people with mental retardation , and adolescence is crucial period for systemic life skills training .

  25. 然后分析了受试者的适应性行为,推导出了舒适温度随室外平均气温的变化关系式,探讨了除温、湿度外其他因素对热舒适的影响。

    We also analyzed the adaptive behavior of the subjects , derived the relationship between the comfort temperature and mean outdoor temperature , and explored other influencing factors besides temperature and humidity .

  26. 企业战略是企业为了实现自身目标而对环境的适应性行为,企业战略会随着其与环境的动态交互作用而发生相应的改变。

    Enterprise strategy is enterprise 's adaptable behavior to its environment in order to attain its goal , and enterprise strategy will change with the dynamic interaction between it and its environment .

  27. 压力应对策略可以概括为两种:一种是为应对外部压力源所采取的适应性行为,另一种应对策略是为缓解压力所做的一系列措施。

    Coping strategies for pressure can be generalized as follows : one is the adaptable behavior to deal with the exterior pressure fountain ; the other is a series of measures for reducing pressure .

  28. 尤其是在外部环境发生根本性变化的条件下,适应性行为主体会通过调整认知和行为模式进行探索性活动,引入新的增长因素,实现自身发展和系统结构变革。

    Especially when the environments change radically , adaptive agents will do new exploration through adjusting their own cognitive and behavioral modes , which will introduce new development elements , and self-development and the structural change of the system .

  29. 在心理护理中,应减少应激源带来的经济和精神压力,提供足够的社会支持,帮助他们采用成熟的心理防御机制,促进患儿父母的适应性行为。

    In the psychology nursing , workers should reduce the economic and psychological stress caused by leukaemia children , and offer enough social support , and help them to adopt the ripe defense mechanism and promote the adaptation behavior of parents .

  30. 这一假设认为吃土是非适应性的行为(即生物体与环境表现不适合)。换言之,这一假设认为吃土是一个负面的行为,并不能给人带来任何好处。

    This hypothesis is non-adaptive , meaning it fits with the idea that eating earth is a negative behaviour with no benefits .