
xínɡ tǐ xùn liàn
  • Physical training;shape-up exercise
  1. 形体训练对护理学生自信及其应对方式的影响

    Effects of physique training in nursing students ' confidence and coping-style

  2. 湖北省部分普通高校开设形体训练课的研究

    The Study on Body Shaping Course Among Hubei Higher Education Institutes

  3. 围产期心理咨询和形体训练对产后心身恢复的作用

    The effect of perinatal psychological counseling and exercise training on postnatal rehabilitation

  4. 论现代礼仪与形体训练对高职生的影响

    On the Effect of Modern Proprieties Physique Education on High Vocational Students

  5. 模特形体训练对高校中年女性身体形态机能的影响

    The Effect of Model Shape Training to the Middle-aged College Female Posture

  6. 论高校女生开展形体训练的重要性

    Importance on Developing Shaping Training of Girl Students in Colleges and Universities

  7. 高校开展形体训练的重要性及训练方法

    Carrying on Body Exercitation 's Importance and Methods in University

  8. 同时,形体训练中也包含着丰富的美学意义。

    Meanwhile , the figure training has profound aesthetic significance .

  9. 论服装表演专业形体训练体系

    The body training system for the specialty of fashion performance

  10. 2014年伊茨茵尼斯(与合伙人)共同创立了比基尼形体训练公司。

    Itsines cofounded The Bikini Body Training Company in 2014 .

  11. 舍宾对女性形体训练的独特价值

    Shaping Training Method 's Unique Value to Women 's Fitness

  12. 形体训练对促进中学生身心发展的有益影响

    The Benefits of Physique Training to Middle School Students

  13. 形体训练以其独特的价值应运而生。

    The body shaping arises at the historic moment by its unique value .

  14. 科学形体训练与畸形矫正方法的研究

    The Research Methods of Scientific Training And Congenital Correcting

  15. 服装模特形体训练评分表的制定与运用

    A Marking Table Formulated and Utilized in Form - Traning of Fashion Models

  16. 浅议形体训练对学生身心发展的作用

    On the Effects of Physique Training on the Students ' Body and Mind

  17. 少儿艺术体操运动员的形体训练

    A probe into the training of shape-up exercises of juvenile rhythmic gymnastic athletes

  18. 在健身中心,彼得正在用肌肉健壮器进行形体训练。

    At the fitness center , Peter is having a body building session .

  19. 形体训练对服装表演女生效果的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Effects of Physical Training on Female in Fashion Show Major

  20. 女大学生形体训练的价值取向

    Value Orientation in College Women Students ' Physique Training

  21. 析女生形体训练的徒手动作选择

    The Analysis of the Bare-hands Motion Choices in Girl College Students ' Figure Training

  22. 论形体训练在健美操中的作用

    On the Function Physique Training in Sport Aerobics

  23. 职业教育;服务专业;技能素质;形体训练。

    Occupation education ; Service profession ; Technical ability character ; The body train .

  24. 山西省体育院系形体训练课的现状分析

    The Analysis on the Physical Training Course in Physical Education Department of Shanxi Province

  25. 将健美操和体育舞蹈、形体训练等表演类项目引进中小学教材,顺应了当前体育教育改革的方向。

    Many sports performance events are included in the textbook for primary and high schools .

  26. 关于形体训练方法的探讨

    Discussions on the Methods of Body Exercises

  27. 因此,重视形体训练,对塑造完美的天使形象,非常重要。

    So that value physical training to mold perfect angel image is of great importance .

  28. 形体训练课程完全符合我国高等院校大学生的心理状态,适合青年心理发展特征。

    Body Shaping is suitable for the students of higher education , both mentally and physically .

  29. 少儿武术运动员的形体训练方法

    Body Training Methods Of Juvenile Wushu

  30. 通过文献资料等方法,对国内形体训练相关的的文献整理研究。

    This paper makes an analysis and research to some documentations related to domestic physical training .