
  • 网络Unity of form and spirit;unity of the body and spirit;the unity of physique and mentality
  1. 中华武术的形神统一论武术形神论论中国画的形与神

    Unification of Form and Spirit of Chinese Wushu

  2. “形神统一”在武术上称“形神兼备”,“内外合一”。它是中华武术在实践的发展中形成的民族风格,也是中华武术的卓然特色。

    Unification of form and spirit is a national style as well as character in the practical development of Chinese Wushu .

  3. 整理形神统一特点形成的中国传统哲学基础,感叹形神统一的武术美学特征,以期深化理解形神统一范畴。

    The paper sorts out the traditional Chinese philosophical foundation of unification of form and spirit and appreciates its aesthetic features of Wushu in anticipation of deeper understanding .

  4. 可以说形神统一是衡量艺术荚的重要标志,也是艺术审美理想的最高境界。

    It can be said that " Integration of form and spirit " is an important criterion of artistic beauty and the supreme realm of aesthetic ideal as well .

  5. 中医全科医学的思想特点突出体现在整体观,包括天人合一、形神统一、人与社会统一、人是有机整体四个方面。

    Holistic view of the core ideas in medicine , including Harmony , Form and Spirit , the unity of man and society , man is an organic whole aspects .

  6. 本文从阴阳观、形神统一论、知行合一的哲学观点来剖析武术套路及当前所面临的问题。

    This article will analyse WuShu Routine and its problems in terms of the viewpoint of Yin-Yang , the theory of the unity of the form and spirit and the physical , point of combination of the knowledge and behavious .

  7. 它把孔子内省式的悦神悦志过渡到形神统一的充实的概念,并突破了孔子温柔敦厚的主张,高扬了阳刚之美;

    Mencius put forward the concept of fullness uniting form and spirit , which was developed from Confucius ' introspective aesthetic thoughts of making spirit and will pleasant , broke Confucius ' proposition of gentleness and kindness and advocated masculine beauty .

  8. 江南画法以形写神,以神唤形,形神达到完全统一。

    The south of Yangzi River drawing technique writes the god by the shape , calls the shape by the god , the relationship of form and spirit achieves unifies completely .