
  • 网络harmonization between soma and spirit
  1. 从形神合一谈构建中医心身医学的意义

    Significance of constructing psychosomatic medicine of TCM from spirit-body combination

  2. 通过五脏分主五神,形成了密切的形神合一关系。

    By five-zang organs governing five-spirits respectively , the unity of spirit and body is formed .

  3. 企业形象是企业形神合一的载体。

    The enterprise image is a carrier of the unity of body and soul of enterprises .

  4. 前言:“形神合一论”是中医心身统一思想的核心内容。

    The idea of spirit body combination is the core of TCM theory of combining body with spirit .

  5. 《黄帝内经》“形神合一”理论蕴含着丰富的身心医学思想。

    Thought of the " integration of the form and the spirit " in HuangDi NeiJing contains abundant concepts of physical and mental medical ideology .

  6. 其中,基于人脸图像自动生成对应的卡通图像已成为近年来国内外的研究热点,如何自动生成形神合一的卡通图像是当今的研究难点。

    In recent years , automatically generating the cartoon image based on the face image becomes one of the researches of hotspots at home and abroad .

  7. 形神合一理论是中医学的重要学术思想之一,揭示了大脑和全身,人体和外界社会环境的整体性;

    The theory of combination of shape and soul is one of the most important scientific thoughts , which shows the entirety between brain and body , the whole between human body and outside enviroment ;

  8. 前言:“形神合一”是中医基础理论中重要的学术思想之一,形神共养是中医养生的重要法则。

    Combination of the Mind and the Body is one of the important thoughts of the basic TCM theories , and preserving both the mind and the body is the important principle of TCM health preserving .

  9. 通过对有限的现实空间的超越来获得一种无限的精神自由,以达到艺术的形神兼备、天人合一的最高境界。

    Based on the limited real space crossing an eternal , infinite mind freedom . The purpose of which is to achieve unity and harmony between man and nature of the scene aesthetic realm .

  10. 它由来古代灵与肉、形与神分离的二元认识,并逐渐由形神分离向形神相即、形神合一的方向发展。

    It develops from the ancient dimensional recognition of the separation of spirit and body , and separation of physique and vitality and gradually to the direction of wholism of physique and vitality .