
  • 网络pole of figure
  1. 而制约半导体激光器发展、应用的一个主要瓶颈,就是其光束形状极不对称,发散角很大。

    But the main restriction in the development and application of semiconductor laser is that the laser beam shape is extremely asymmetrical , and its divergence angle is very big .

  2. 考虑到GaAs单晶的极性对器件工艺的影响,本文提出了一种由位错蚀坑的形状确定极性,在单晶锭上作两个参考面的方法,以保证衬片方位的一致性。

    Considering the effect of GaAs polarity on the device technology , two reference faces were prepared on sides of GaAs ingot by means of the shape of dislocation etch-pits to ensure the consistency of wafer orientation .

  3. 鉴于塔的形状像极了拥有曼妙身材的少女,当地市民都管她叫“小蛮腰”。

    The local population has started calling it Xiao Man Yao , because the tower resembles the figure of a female body .

  4. 我们仔细地讨论了分子形状、极性强弱和烷基链结晶在超分子结构形成过程中起到的重要作用。

    We carefully discussed the important role of molecular shape , polarity , and alkyl chain crystallization played in the formation of the supramolecular structure .

  5. 用于形状检测的极标编码多分辨率Hough变换

    Polar coding multiple resolution Hough transform for shape detection

  6. 它可以通过一种花费了数十年才研发出的方法改变自身形状,变成极为复杂的结构。

    It can change by itself into very complex structures by a procedure that took decades to develop .

  7. 首先求解了其运动学逆解,在此基础上详细研究了取不同结构参数时的工作空间截面形状,运用极坐标搜索法得到其工作空间。为并联机器人的结构参数优化及轨迹规划等奠定了基础。

    Furthermore it studies in detail the section shapes of the workspace when different structural parameters are used and obtains the workspace using the polar coordinate search method .

  8. 而花粉的形状大小、极轴长和赤道轴长、外壁纹饰中的网脊粗细、网孔大小、孔频等随材料不同而异。

    But the shape and size of pollen , length of P and E , width of net lines , size of net aperture , net porosity among different materials were different .

  9. PDEFD和PHOSFD这两种聚合物的CV曲线的形状均受到溶剂极性的影响。

    The shape of the CV peaks , of both polymers , was affected by the polarity of the solvents .

  10. 而体系的扩散是由自由体积,扩散活化能,水汽分子与形状记忆聚氨酯膜极性基团的相互作用力共同的结果。

    The diffusion coefficient for water in shape memory polyurethane membranes depend on the polymer fractional free volume , diffusion energy ED and the interaction of water-polymer .

  11. 焊接应力和变形使得船体构件的强度、韧性下降,并且能导致焊接部位产生应力腐蚀开裂,对结构的断裂特性、疲劳强度和形状尺寸精度产生极为不利的影响。

    The welding stress and deformation makes the strength and toughness of the hull structure decreased , and also makes the stress corrosion cracking of the welding spot , which leads to unfavorable influence on fracture characteristics , fatigue strength , form and dimensional precision of structure .