
  • 网络minimum thickness;min thickness;Thickness Min
  1. 换填法垫层最小厚度的直接计算法

    Direct Calculation of the Minimum Thickness of Cushion with Filling Replacement

  2. 对凸形封头最小厚度验收标准的看法和建议

    Some Suggestions on Acceptance Standards of Minimum Thickness of Convex Head

  3. 本文针对盾构隧道推进中引发的地表沉降采用PECK公式对其影响因素进行了讨论;根据有关规定的的地表不均匀沉降的限值,针对不同的隧道直径提出了上覆土最小厚度的经验公式。

    This paper employ the PECK formula to dicuss the key-factors of shield-tunnelling , proposes a experiential formula about the minimum depth of the covering-layer .

  4. 本文建立了低切滤波器截止频率f0、阶次n与地层波速V、可分辨地层最小厚度Δh及地层吸收衰减系数A的关系。

    This paper has set up a relation among cut off frequency f 0 , order n of LCF and wave velocity V , the minimum resolvable thickness Δ h , and the absorption and attenuation factor A of Earth 's strata .

  5. 经解剖验证,元件芯体尾部减薄区定位分辨最小厚度为0.1mm,定位精度为2mm。

    The dissection of the sample proves that the core end thickness is 0 . 1 mm and the location precision is 2 mm .

  6. 在AVO截距与斜率交会图上,含气碳酸盐岩样点位于第4象限;AVO技术能够分辨的含气碳酸盐岩储层的最小厚度为10m。

    The sample points of gas-bearing carbonate rock are located in the 4th quadrant on the crossplot of AVO intercepts and slopes , and the least reservoir thickness resolved by the AVO technique is 10 meters .

  7. 给出了锚杆加固影响范围系数Kl的计算方法,并根据围岩稳定所必须形成的承压拱最小厚度、锚杆加固影响范围系数Kl和锚杆的间距来确定锚杆长度的方法。

    This provides the method to calculate the anchor strengthening action area coefficient K_l and design the length of an anchor bar considering the minimum depth of the bearing bar permitted by the stability of the base rocks , K_l and the dis - tance between anchor bars .

  8. 由于这种水泥基材料的非碳化性,它和钢丝网浇筑成的薄板最小厚度仅需6mm,并具有良好的防水、防冻和防火性能。

    Because the cementitious material does not carbonate like reinforced concrete , the structural membrane formed by this material and steel wire meshes could have a thickness down to around 6 mm and is water-proof , frost-proof and fire-proof .

  9. 静力压桩临界深度和最小厚度探讨

    Study on the critical depth and minimal thickness of static piling

  10. 给出了褥垫层最小厚度的计算公式和取值方法;

    Moreover , the calculation formula and choosing method are deduced .

  11. 影响最小厚度的主要因素是最大内部压力。

    The minimum thickness was mainly determined by the maximal internal pressure .

  12. 数值模拟中应用最小厚度准则预测板料成形极限

    Sheet Metal Forming Limit Prediction with Minimum Thickness Criterion in Numerical Simulation

  13. 复合地基褥垫层的作用及其最小厚度的确定

    Study on the role of cushion of composite ground and its minimum depth

  14. 齿轮润滑设计需要求得润滑油膜最小厚度。

    The gear lubrication design needs to know the minimum oil film thickness .

  15. 水泥土截渗墙墙体最小厚度测试方法研究

    Research on Methods for Testing Minimum Thickness of Cement Soil Cut-off Wall Body

  16. GB/T1205-1975透镜边缘及中心最小厚度

    Minimum thicknesses in rim and centre of lens

  17. 终端电缆的护套最小厚度和电缆最大外径见表2。

    Minmum thickness of sheath and maximum overall of cable refer to Table 3 .

  18. 成形封头最小厚度探讨

    Discussion on Minimum Thickness of Shaped Closures

  19. Ⅲ类围岩全断面开挖隧道喷砼最小厚度初探

    Preliminary Investigation on Minimum Thickness of Shotcrete for Full Section Excavated Tunnel in Rock Class ⅲ

  20. 经验强度准则确定有压隧硐上覆岩层最小厚度的方法

    Method of determining overlying strata minimum thickness of tunnel in hydraulic engineering with Hoek-Brown Strength Criterion

  21. 测量范围较大,最小厚度为微米。

    The measured range is wide and the thickness precision is up to the level of micrometer .

  22. 钢筋保护层的最小厚度

    Minimum cover of reinforcement

  23. 通过分析讨论并结合实际,指出成形封头应在图面上以最小厚度标出最为合理。

    Combining with actual example , for shaped head , the minimum thickness is reasonable to be scaled in diagram .

  24. 迷你扫描这是一个最小厚度扫描并允许用户运行探针的墙面。

    Mini Scan This is a minimum thickness scan and allows the user to run the probe over the wall surface .

  25. 混凝土浇注在保护层粗糙的表面,保护层最小厚度在设计上通常允许较大误差。

    For concrete cast against uneven surfaces , the minimum cover should generally be increased by allowing larger deviations in design .

  26. 综合应力分析、结构计算和路面排水分析两方面要求,得出多孔混凝土基层所需的最小厚度;

    Integrating with stress analysis 、 structural computation and drainage analysis , minimum thickness value of porous concrete base is calculated ;

  27. 最小厚度发生在鼓胀最高的地方。焦碳塔的鼓胀、裂纹容限及寿命预测

    The minimum thickness appeared in the bulging highest position . A Study on Crack Tolerance of Coke Tower and Its Life Prediction

  28. 实际厚度和最小厚度之比表征了拱桥在这个荷载下的拱厚安全度。

    The ratio of the actual thickness and the minimum limit characterises the safety of the arch bridge under that loading condition .

  29. 真空蒸发和滚轧法能获得自支撑靶的最小厚度分别为80和560μg/cm~2。

    The minimum thickness of 50 and 560 μ g / cm ~ 2 of Fe targets could be obtained with vacumm evap-oration and rolling respectively .

  30. 允许的最小厚度小于1公里,它的粘滞率大约为10~(10)泊的量级,相当于沥青在15℃时的情况。

    Its viscosity is about 1010 poises , similar to that of pitch at 15 ℃ and allowable minimum thickness is possibly less than 1 km .