
  • 网络Best Supporting Actor
  1. 电影获得了两项大奖:最佳配角奖给予希斯·莱杰,以及最佳声效剪辑奖。

    It won two awards : Best Supporting Actor for Heath Ledger and Best Sound Editing .

  2. 伯恩斯在片中的表演使他于1975年79岁时荣获奥斯卡最佳配角奖。

    Burns was 79 when he won the 1975 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance .

  3. 蒂莫西·哈顿(TimothyHutton)的小金人对归属问题做出了最好的答复,哈顿曾在影片《凡夫俗子》中表现十分优异,并成为奥斯卡金像奖最年轻的最佳配角奖得主。

    But the best answer to the Oscar statue display question comes from Timothy Hutton , the youngest person ever to win the Academy Award for best supporting actor .

  4. 我一直觉得先前的演员应该被叫做最佳配角。

    I always think that leading actors should be called the best supporting actors .

  5. 简?方达,多莉?帕顿,莉莉?汤普琳齐聚来颁发最佳配角奖,亚历山大?斯卡斯加德因《小谎大事》得奖。

    Jane Fonda , Dolly Parton and Lily Tomlin all reunited to present the award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series which went to Alexander Skarsgard for Big Little Lies .

  6. 他们说他肯定能获得最佳男配角奖的提名。

    They say he 's certain to get a nomination for best supporting actor

  7. 最佳女配角:露皮塔-尼永奥《为奴十二年》

    Best supporting actress : Lupita Nyong'o , 12 Years a Slave

  8. 最佳男配角:杰瑞德-莱托《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

    Best supporting actor : Jared Leto , Dallas Buyers Club

  9. 克莱夫·欧文凭借《偷心》(CLOSER)获得最佳男配角奖。

    Clive Owen of " Closer " accepted the award for best supporting actor .

  10. 迷你剧集/电影类最佳女配角:雷吉娜•金(ReginaKing),《美国重案》(AmericanCrime)

    Supporting Actress in a Mini-Series or Movie : Regina King , " American Crime "

  11. 喜剧类最佳女配角:凯特•麦金侬(KateMcKinnon),《周六夜现场》(SaturdayNightLive)

    Supporting Actress in a Comedy : Kate McKinnon , " Saturday Night Live "

  12. 要让我决定的话,我会不假思索把最佳男配角给诺顿,而且我注意到,国家评论协会(NationalBoardofReview)在周二的确这么做了。

    I 'd give Norton Best Supporting Actor in a flash , and I noticed that the National Board of Review did precisely that on Tuesday .

  13. 喜剧类最佳男配角:路易•安德森(LouieAnderson),《小丑梦摇篮》(Baskets)

    Supporting Actor in a Comedy : Louie Anderson , " Baskets "

  14. 迷你剧集/电影类最佳男配角:斯特林•K•布朗(SterlingKBrown),《美国罪案故事:公诉辛普森》(ThePeoplev.O.J.Simpson:AmericanCrimeStory)

    Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie : Sterling K. Brown , " The People v. O. J. Simpson : American Crime Story "

  15. 失之交臂:最佳男配角,1996——威廉姆·H·梅西有被提名,但是巴斯米在《冰血暴》中扮演阴暗邋遢的卡尔·肖沃尔特一角令人印象深刻,他也应得此项殊荣。

    Most robbed for : Supporting Actor , 1996 - William H Macy was nominated , but Buscemi 's unforgettably scuzzy Carl Showalter in Fargo should have shared the honour . 14 .

  16. 扮演另一位赏金猎人的克里斯托弗•瓦尔兹(ChristophWaltz)则获得了最佳男配角奖。

    Christoph Waltz , who plays a bounty hunter , won for best supporting actor .

  17. 他还曾凭《通天塔》(Babel)被提名金球奖最佳男配角奖。

    He was also nominated for a best supporting actor Golden Globe for his role in Babel .

  18. 参演《十月围城》的谢霆锋(NicholasTse)还摘得最佳男配角奖。

    ' Bodyguards and Assassins'also picked up an award for Hong Kong 's Nicholas Tse in the best supporting actor category .

  19. 同时他还凭借在《借刀杀人》(Collateral)中与汤姆·克鲁斯的对手戏,而被提名为电影类最佳男配角的提名;并因《救赎》(Redemption)入围最佳电视类男演员的角逐。

    Foxx was also nominated as best supporting actor for his role opposite Tom Cruise in Collateral and as best actor in a TV series or miniseries for Redemption .

  20. 杰西卡·查斯坦(JessicaChastain)一度有望因《星际穿越》竞争奖项,却因小众剧《至暴之年》(AMostViolentYear)获得最佳女配角奖提名。

    And Jessica Chastain , once a hoped-for awards contender for " Interstellar , " kept the small drama " A Most Violent Year " on the map , receiving a supporting actress nomination .

  21. 最佳男配角:罗伯特·杜瓦尔(RobertDuvall),《法官》(TheJudge);伊森·霍克(EthanHawke),《少年时代》;爱德华·诺顿,《鸟人》;马克·拉法罗(MarkRuffalo),《狐狸猎手》;J·K·西蒙斯,《爆裂鼓手》

    Best Supporting ActorRobert Duvall , " The Judge " Ethan Hawke , " Boyhood " Edward Norton , " Birdman " Mark Ruffalo , " Foxcatcher " J.K. Simmons , " Whiplash "

  22. 长期以来Leo被认为是最佳女配角人选中“独孤求败者”,她已经获得了几乎所有的重要奖项,包括美国电影电视金球奖、演员工会奖、广播影评人协会电影奖和纽约影评人协会奖。

    Long heralded the " one to beat " in this category , Leo has won practically every precursor including the Golden Globes , SAGs , Broadcast Film Awards and New York Film Critics to name a few .

  23. 多种族演员参演的《奎迪》(Creed)由瑞恩·库格勒(RyanCoogler)执导,同样在各项提名中遇冷,只有影坛老兵(白人)西尔维斯特·史泰龙(SylvesterStallone)为该片赢得最佳男配角一项提名。

    The racially diverse " Creed , " directed by Ryan Coogler , was shut out , except for a nomination for its ( white ) war-horse supporting actor , Sylvester Stallone .

  24. 戈尔迪·霍恩(GoldieHawn)曾因影片《仙人掌花》(CactusFlower)获最佳女配角奖,她的奖杯坐落在一个非常富有禅宗气息的地方——她的“印度房间”,她常在这里冥想。

    Goldie Hawn 's award for best supporting actress in the 1970 film Cactus Flower rests somewhere altogether more zen - in the " India Room " in which she likes to meditate .

  25. LupitaNyong'o获得了奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。

    Lupita Nyong'o erhielt den Oscar f ü r die beste weibliche Nebenrolle . | Bildquelle : picture alliance

  26. 最佳女配角:帕特里西亚·阿凯特(PatriciaArquette),《少年时代》;杰西卡·查斯坦,《至暴之年》;凯拉·奈特莉(KeiraKnightley),《模仿游戏》;艾玛·斯通(EmmaStone),《鸟人》;梅丽尔·斯特里普(MerylStreep),《魔法黑森林》

    Best Supporting ActressPatricia Arquette , " Boyhood " Jessica Chastain , " A Most Violent Year " Keira Knightley , " The Imitation Game " Emma Stone , " Birdman " Meryl Streep , " Into the Woods "

  27. OctaviaSpencer因影片《帮助》获得最佳女配角提名,影片讲述了20世纪60年代期间,非裔美国人在美国南部为白人工作的故事。

    Octavia Spencer received a best supporting actress nomination for her work in " The Help . " The film tells the story of African-Americans who worked for whites in the American south during the nineteen sixties .

  28. 最佳男配角:马特·伯默(MattBomer),《平常的心》;艾伦·卡明(AlanCumming),《傲骨贤妻》;柯林·汉克斯,《冰血暴》;乔恩·沃伊特,《清道夫》

    Best Supporting ActorMatt Bomer , " The Normal Heart " Alan Cumming , " The Good Wife " Colin Hanks , " Fargo " Bill Murray , " Olive Kitteridge " Jon Voight , " Ray Donovan "

  29. 很多明星获得的小金人都被放在了父母身边,安吉丽娜·朱莉(AngelineJolie)已故的母亲多年来一直保存着女儿因影片《女生向前走》(Girl)获得的最佳女配角奖杯。

    The parents of a number of stars have ended up with their Oscar-winning child 's awards . Angeline Jolie 's late mum , for a number of years , had the best supporting actress award her daughter won for her role as the troubled Lisa Rowe in Girl , Interrupted .

  30. 最佳男配角:克里斯托弗-沃尔兹《被解放的迪亚戈》

    Best supporting actor : Christoph Waltz in " Django Unchained "