
yánɡ shā
  • Muslin;machine-spun cotton yarn;plain cloth
洋纱 [yáng shā]
  • (1) [muslin]

  • (2) 中国旧时称用机器纺的棉纱

  • (3) 中国旧时称用细棉纱织成的一种平纹细布,质地轻薄,多用来做手绢、蚊帐和夏季服装等

  1. 他穿着一件细洋纱的长衫来到了台上。

    He was on the stage with a short muslin frock .

  2. 19世纪天津、烟台的对外贸易与传统市场网络&以洋纱洋布的输入与运销为例

    Interlinkage : Foreign Trade of Tianjin and Yantai in 19th century and traditional market network & Taking import and distribution of foreign gauze and cloth as example

  3. 我到了浪搏恩就派人来取衣服,请你告诉莎蕾一声,我那件细洋纱的长衣服裂了一条大缝,叫她替我收拾行李的时候,把它补一补。

    I shall send for my clothes when I get to Longbourn ; but I wish you would tell Sally to mend a great slit in my worked muslin gown before they are packed up .

  4. 本文首先论述了二十世纪以前华北棉花生产状况,指出其初显区位优势及其在洋纱、洋布的冲击下的变动。

    At the first place , the treatise discusses the circulations of the production of cotton in North China before the twentieth century , pointing out that it had regional advantage and some change because of the impact of voile and cloth coming from foreign countries .