
  1. 该中心说,根据该连锁餐厅披露的营养成分信息,其BigCatch套餐由鱼、油炸玉米饼和洋葱圈组成,全部都是油炸的含有33克反式脂肪。

    The chain 's ' Big Catch ' meal fish , hush puppies and onion rings , all fried contained 33 grams of trans fat , the center said , based on the chain 's own nutrition disclosures .

  2. 该中心说,根据该连锁餐厅披露的营养成分信息,其“BigCatch”套餐——由鱼、油炸玉米饼和洋葱圈组成,全部都是油炸的——含有33克反式脂肪。

    The chain 's ' Big Catch ' meal -- fish , hush puppies and onion rings , all fried -- contained 33 grams of trans fat , the center said , based on the chain 's own nutrition disclosures .

  3. 现在却在这儿吃我带在手袋里的洋葱圈

    Now we 're eating onion rings out of my purse .

  4. 你要吃那洋葱圈不吃

    Are you gonna want the onion rings or ... ?

  5. 谁要把最后那个洋葱圈吃掉?

    Who 's going to eat that last onion ring ?

  6. 薯条炸薯片浇上冰激凌的洋葱圈

    French fries , potato chips and onion rings a la mode .

  7. 炸鸡、炸洋葱圈等食品对肝脏的危害也很大。

    Foods like fried chicken and onion rings were especially bad for the liver .

  8. 麦当劳大叔给她的女朋友什么订婚礼物?&洋葱圈戒指!

    What did Ronald McDonald give Wendy for their engagement ? & an onion ring !

  9. 这种人工痕迹过重的食品让我深深怀念一小包芝士洋葱圈。

    Such handled food makes me long for a packet of cheese and onion Hula Hoops .

  10. 我们都已体验过消化像法式薯条和洋葱圈之类的食物需要多长时间。

    We 've all experienced how long it takes to digest foods like French fries or onion rings .

  11. 分批轻轻将裹着面粉的洋葱圈放入油中(抖掉多余的面粉)。

    Working in small batches , carefully place coated rings ( shaking off excess flour ) into hot oil .

  12. 尽管裹着培根和炸洋葱圈,蓝蛙家的汉堡并不特别油腻,也不会让人觉得不健康。

    Despite the bacon and fried onion rings , the burger wasn 't all that greasy and didn 't feel dangerously unhealthy .

  13. 所以,只因为我没法跟大家共享洋葱圈,现在我就不能工作了?

    So , just because I didn 't want to have an onion flower with the gang , now I can 't do my job .

  14. 谁吃过洋葱面包圈了?

    Did somebody eat an onion bagel ?

  15. 从洋葱的顶端切下一个洋葱圈,但是另外一端不要再切了。

    Cut out a circle on top of the onion but don 't go all the way to the other side !

  16. 你大概会把洋葱归为老式餐点佐料,因为什么菜都可以加点洋葱切片,你可以炸洋葱圈,炖洋葱汤,煎洋葱烩蛋,还能把它扔到砂锅里去煮一煮。

    You might relegate onions to the list of old-fashioned kitchen standbys , as you can slice and dice them into everything from home fries and soups to omelets and casseroles .