
yáng bù
  • Muslin;machine-made piece goods;cotton sheeting
洋布 [yáng bù]
  • [cotton sheeting] 旧时称机器织的平纹布

洋布[yáng bù]
  1. 舱中有个小小床铺,床上有锦绸同红色印花洋布铺盖,折叠得整整齐齐。

    There was a small bed in there . On it were neatly folded quilts of silk and red printed calico .

  2. 她穿着灰洋布的衣服,裙子拖在一尘不染的地板上,胸前围着一条硕大无朋的、浆得发硬的套头白围裙。

    Her dress was grey calico , its skirts brushing the spotless floor , in front protected by an enormous starched white apron .

  3. 小福子就是把铺板卖了,还上房租,只穿着件花洋布大衫,戴着一对银耳环,回到家中来的。

    Joy sold the bed , paid the rent and came home with nothing but a gown of imported cloth and a pair of silver earrings .

  4. 19世纪天津、烟台的对外贸易与传统市场网络&以洋纱洋布的输入与运销为例

    Interlinkage : Foreign Trade of Tianjin and Yantai in 19th century and traditional market network & Taking import and distribution of foreign gauze and cloth as example

  5. 她比陈月娥高些,穿着短到腰际的白洋布衫和黑洋布大脚管裤子,像一个丝厂女工。

    She was taller than Chen Yueh-ngo , and , like her , she wore a short white calico jacket and a pair of baggy Black slacks .

  6. 还有两件脏旧不堪的花洋布衣服,还有一顶太阳帽和几件女人的内衣,都挂在墙上。

    There was two old dirty calico dresses , and a sun-bonnet , and some women 's underclothes hanging against the wall , and some men 's clothing , too .

  7. 她们的眼睛立刻对着街头看来看去,看看有没有军官们走过,此外就只有商店橱窗里的极漂亮的女帽,或者是最新式的花洋布,才能吸引她们。

    Their eyes were immediately wandering up in the street in quest of the officers , and nothing less than a very smart bonnet indeed , or a really new muslin in a shop window , could recall them .

  8. 本文首先论述了二十世纪以前华北棉花生产状况,指出其初显区位优势及其在洋纱、洋布的冲击下的变动。

    At the first place , the treatise discusses the circulations of the production of cotton in North China before the twentieth century , pointing out that it had regional advantage and some change because of the impact of voile and cloth coming from foreign countries .