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  1. 应用气相色谱-质谱法研究了伶仃洋水和沉积物中烷基酚(AP)的污染状况。

    The alkylphenol ( AP ) in the surface water and sediments from Lingding Bay is determined by means of GC-MS method .

  2. 地球上海洋的水从哪里来?

    Where did Earth 's oceans come from ?

  3. 2月5月,我们进人亚丁湾,这湾是巴布厄尔曼特长颈形海峡的真正漏斗,把印度洋的水倒流入红海中。

    On February 5 we finally put into the Gulf of Aden , a genuine funnel stuck into the neck of Bab el Mandeb and bottling these Indian waters in the Red Sea .

  4. 通过在洋白蜡和水曲柳等受害林地进行解剖调查,发现白蜡窄吉丁自然种群中幼虫的自然感病死亡率为6.3%,均为真菌感染,没有发现病原细菌和病毒感染致死的情况。

    The results showed that there is 6.3 % dead larvae caused by infection of pathogenic fungi in EAB nature population , no finding that of pathogenic bacteria or virus .

  5. 利用伶仃洋水域三维水动力学模型的研究成果,采用时段交替法对一、三维模型进行了耦合计算;

    The research result of the 3-D hydrodynamic model for the Lingding Sea is used and coupled with the 1-D model for the Pearl River Delta network , and a coupling model is generated .

  6. 洋圻湖的水化学特性及其渔业评价

    The Water Chemical Characteristics and Evaluation of Fishery about Yangqi Lake

  7. 南印度洋绕极深层水的性质和空间分布以及南极绕极流的作用

    Features and Spatial Distributions of Circumpolar Deep Water in the Southern Indian Ocean and Effects of Antarctic Circumpolar Current

  8. 依据实测资料及有关文献资料研究伶仃洋水文特征、主要污染物入洋负荷量与水环境质量变化趋势。

    Hydrologic features , load of main pollutants & Current condition of water quality are discussed by references and monitoring dates .